

Date: Fri, 4 Aug 1995 10:07:12 -0500
From: Sher Nuyen <xx394.CLEVELAND.FREENET.EDU>
Subject: Re: chicken pox

>My daughter has the chicken pox. So far, we've just been using oatmeal baths and calamine lotion for the itch. Some of the pox are looking really red. Does anyone know if tea tree oil could help heal them up, or is this the wrong course of action to take.

<delurk mode off>

Over the summer my four children and one adult in our home had chickenpox.

I gave the kids mint tea to drink, covered them with potato flour for the itches. I used homopathic remedies, rhus tox, I diluted and used on sores it helped to heal them faster.

>Also, my husband doesn't think he's ever had chicken pox. Apparently it can get really bad for adults. Should I be giving him echinacea to boost his immune system, or can anyone else recommend another course of action?

The adult got them everywhere, we were told of a vaccine that is now out, but he did not want to have it, I think know that he looks back on it he would have like the shot. i did everything above for him and he fair ok, I hope that this helps.

Sher Nuyen

From: Daniel Wong <Daniel.Wong.PING.BE>

>My daughter has the chicken pox. So far, we've just been using oatmeal

Elizabeth: Here in Europe they use mentholated talcom powder. The patients who were initially treated with calamine and or cortisone are amazed at the way it relieves the itching.

The trick is trying to get the guys in pharmacy to make it up for you.

Contrary to popular belief, varicella can be caught more than once, although it is quite rare.
