Comments on the Action of "Juniper Pomade," "Acid Solution of Iron," "Viburnum Cordial," and "Howe's Caustic."

Selected writings of A. Jackson Howe.

Here, in short compass, we have the therapy of the special preparations devised by Dr. Howe. This article should be read in connection with the papers on "Viburnum Cordial," "Acid Solution of Iron," and "Useful Escharotic."—Ed. Gleaner.

COMMENTS ON THE ACTION OF "JUNIPER POMADE," "ACID SOLUTION OF IRON," "VIBURNUM CORDIAL," AND "HOWE'S CAUSTIC."—Having been requested repeatedly to write a succinct account of what the above remedies will do, I respectfully submit the following statement, fully believing that other medical practitioners will come to conclusions similar to those I express in words:—Juniper Pomade is a pretty sure cure for all forms of eczema or tetter. It allays the itching and destroys the vesicles and scales. The unguent may be used upon all parts of the body, though sparingly on mucous surfaces. It is employed in the nasal cavities with a camel's hair brush to mitigate the symptoms of catarrh, to arrest nay-fever, to heal nasal ulcers, to arrest ringing in the ears, and to improve states of deafness depending upon thickening of the linings of the Eustachian tubes. Juniper Pomade softens the scaly patches on the face which are often epitheliomatous. It has proven an excellent dressing for tetter of the edges of the eyelids, which leads to "wild hairs," and induration of the tarsal borders. The pomade is reliable in the treatment of sore nipples in nursing women; and it will cure chapped hands.

Acid solution of iron is an "alterative," and may be administered to scrofulous, syphilitic, and cancerous subjects. In alternation with Fowler's solution of arsenic it is given in the early stages of phthisis, in constitutional syphilis, and in ordinary dyspepsia. It is the only preparation of iron that does not produce fever and dryness of the fauces. The ordinary muriated tincture of iron is not its substitute in any form of disease. It may be prescribed with safety in any grade of febrile action, with the effect of lessening it. In states of anaemia acid solution of iron will increase the corpuscles of the blood, both of the white and the red; and it will produce an increase of flesh in wasting diseases. It increases the appetite very decidedly, and assists digestion, absorption, and assimilation.

Viburnum cordial was compounded to meet the wants of the inebriate when he aims to get over a spree; it alleviates the gnawing sensations of the stomach, relieves the discomfort of the fauces, and helps to steady the disturbed brain.

The medicine proved to be so useful in allaying the pangs of dysmenorrhoea that it has become a favorite remedy with gynaecologists. It is a "female tonic," arresting leucorrhoea, and alleviating pelvic discomfort. It is too highly spiced for urinary difficulties and bladder troubles. It is a valuable remedy to take in chlorosis, and in the debility common at the second climacteric.

My escharotic I employ to nasal polypi, to ulcerations generally, to the destruction of epitheliomata, and to syphilitic condylomata, anal fissures, and to obdurate ulcers. The indurations and fissures of eczema, warts, moles, and nodules disappear upon a judicious application of the caustic. For cancers the caustic power is increased by adding more salicylic acid and chloride of zinc. The caustic does not provoke much pain—not so much as chloride of zinc alone will provoke. The salicylic acid is perfectly dissolved in the combination; and the caustic is the consistency of firm cream in all weathers.

The formula for these medicines have been published in the JOURNAL, and can be elaborated by any druggist, but the untrained pharmacist may have some difficulty in making the very best preparations.— HOWE, Eclectic Medical Journal, 1891.

The Biographies of King, Howe, and Scudder, 1912, was written by Harvey Wickes Felter, M. D.