Gummi Indicum, I.C.A. Indian Gum.

Indian or Ghati gum is an exudation from the wood of Anogeissus latifolia, Wall. (N.O. Combretaceae), a large tree indigenous to India and Ceylon. The gum occurs in vermiform or rounded, transparent tears, yellowish-white in colour, with a dull, rough surface. It is brittle, the fracture being glassy and free from cracks. Its odour is faint but characteristic, the taste bland and mucilaginous. The gum may be distinguished from gum acacia by the dull surface, uniform vitreous fracture, and by the frequently vermiform shape.

Constituents.—The chief constituent of India gum are arabic acid and its salts.

Action and Uses.—Indian gum has demulcent properties resembling those of gum arabic. It is an excellent emulsifying agent, and forms a nearly colourless mucilage with water. Indian gum is sanctioned for use in India and the Eastern Colonies in making official preparations for which gum acacia is directed to be used, but only 1 part is used for every 2 parts of gum acacia ordered, as its viscosity is so much greater.


Mucilago Gummi Indica, I.C.A.—MUCILAGE OF INDIAN GUM.
Indian gum in small pieces, 2 ounces, distilled water, a sufficient quantity. Rapidly rinse the gum with a little distilled water, then dissolve in 6 fluid ounces of distilled water, and strain.

The British Pharmaceutical Codex, 1911, was published by direction of the Council of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain.