Eupatorium Teucrifolium. Wild Hoarhound.

Description: Natural Order, Compositae. Another member of the Boneset family, growing from two to three feet high, with a rough-hairy stem. Leaves sessile, ovate, rough, lower ones doubly serrate, upper ones scarcely serrate. Stem divided into a panicled corymb above, bearing a limited number of small flower-heads. Flowers small, white, five in each head. The entire plant bears something of the appearance of an erect verbena, whence it was at one time called eupatorium verbenaefolium. It is found in low grounds, blooming in August; and though met in all sections of the country, is most abundant in the Southern States.

Properties and Uses: The leaves and flowers of this plant have properties in many respects similar to those of boneset; but are more distinctly stimulating than the latter article, and also more diffusive. A warm diffusion is quite prompt in securing perspiration, which is followed by a good action on the bowels. It, as well as the species hyssopifolium and rotundifolium, have a wide reputation through the South for their power in casting out of the virus of serpents, and for curing bilious remittents and intermittents. They no doubt deserve more attention than has yet been given to them by the profession.

The Physiomedical Dispensatory, 1869, was written by William Cook, M.D.
It was scanned by Paul Bergner at