Caulophyllum. Caulophyllum thalictroides.

Synonym—Blue Cohosh.


Caulophyllin, leontin, two resins, gum, tannin.


Caulophyllin. Dose, from one-fourth to one grain.
Extractum Caulophyllum Fluidum, Fluid Extract of Caulophyllum. Dose, five to ten Minims.
Specific Medicine Caulophyllum. Dose, from one to ten minims.
It is often necessary to continue this remedy, in whatever form given, over a considerable period of time in order to obtain its best results.

Specific Symptomatology—Felter and Lloyd give the following indications: Uterine pain, with fullness, weight and pain in the legs-, fullness of tissues, as if congested; debility of the nervous system, with impaired muscular power; spasmodic muscular pains, articular pain, rheumatic pains of asthenic plethora, epigastric and umbilical colicky pains, dull frontal headache, great thirst; as an oxytocic; to relieve false pains and uterine irritability; sexual debility, with excitability; spas-modic uterine contractions, dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation, cramp-like pains in the stomach and bowels after eating, pain in the toes and fingers not due to tissue changes.

Therapy—In chronic uterine disorders, in broken down constitutions with various reflex symptoms, the remedy is a specific. In the amenorrhea of young women, at the commencement of the menstrual period, it may be given with confidence. In painful menstruation it has an established reputation.

Dr. Hewitt of Chicago learned when a boy the use of caulophyllum in scarlet fever. When he became a physician, he put that knowledge to test very many times and always with success. He has positive confidence in this remedy, having seen such uniformly good results.

From the end of the sixth month to the close of pregnancy is a period when many distressing symptoms are manifested, which may, in a measure, be relieved by caulophyllum.

The growth of the fetus has been compared to an apple, which, when fully ripened, falls from the tree. The effect of caulophyllum is to prolong gestation till the fetus is fully developed, labor being a physiological process at full term, and not pathological, therefore less protracted, less painful, and less liable to accidents.

Many writers confirm the opinion that caulophyllum or caulophyllin are excellent remedies in labor, contributing to the relaxation of a rigid os, increasing the strength of the pains. It will also assist materially in controlling an abortion. Using it in conjunction with viburnum, this influence will be enhanced.

This remedy as a partus preparator is equal in some cases to cimicifuga, and comparable with viburnum and helonias. It prevents premature delivery by a superior tonicity, which it induces in all the reproductive organs. It has caused many cases to overrun their time a few days, and yet easy labors and excellent recoveries have followed. It is a satisfactory remedy where there is a habit of having severe after pains, or where there are false labor pains, not productive of good, or where subsequent to the labor there are hourglass or other undue spasmodic uterine contractions.

It is a beneficial remedy in hysteria, and where there is constant ovarian irritation, or pain in the mammary glands, accompanied with general irritation; also in chronic disease of the uterus and ovaries or of the cervix. Also where there is cramp-like pains during menstruation or pain and soreness of the uterus, attributed to rheumatism. It is of much benefit in subinvolution.

Caulophyllum, although chiefly known as a remedy for the diseases peculiar to women, has been employed with advantage as a sedative and to control congestion, in bronchitis, pneumonitis and whooping-cough.

In deficient labor pains, caulophyllum is generally a reliable remedy.

A sufficient dose of the remedy may be given every ten minutes, till the pains become regular and efficient.

The American Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Pharmacognosy, 1919, was written by Finley Ellingwood, M.D.
It was scanned by Michael Moore for the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine.