Copaiba. Copaiba langsdorffii.

Botanical name: 

Part Employed—The oleoresin.

Oleoresin of Copaiba is obtained by boring holes into the trunk of the tree near its base, from. which the oleoresin is collected. It is a translucent, viscid liquid, of a pale or brownish-yellow color, having a characteristic odor and a bitter, acrid, nauseous taste. Solvents, alcohol, ether, chloroform. Dose, from five to sixty grains.

Oleum Copaiba—Oil of Copaiba. The volatile oil, which is obtained by distillation, is a limpid, pale-yellow liquid, with the odor of copaiba, and a pungent, aromatic, bitter taste. Dose, from ten to fifteen drops.

Volatile oil, copavic acid, bitter principle, resin.


Massa Copaibae, Mass of Copaiba. Dose, from ten to sixty grains.
Mistura Copaibae Composita, Compound Copaiba Mixture. Dose, from a half to one dram.

Therapy—This agent is used in the treatment of gonorrhea. It is best used after active inflammation has subsided where the mucous structures of the urinary tract are debilitated. It is useful in gleet or chronic urethritis with much relaxation and debility, and if anemia be present, it should be given in conjunction with iron. It is given in general irritation of the urinary passages from debility, and in pyelitis and cystitis, increasing the urinary discharge and relieving painful urination. In inflammation of the respiratory tract with excessive expectoration of thick and tenacious mucus, it may be employed to good advantage if the balsam of copaiba be given in ten drop doses three times a day. It is of assistance in curing eczema, urticaria, and other itching skin disorders. For persistent backache, Dr. Whitford combined two drams of the above with two ounces of the spirit of nitric ether, and tincture of black cherry to make three ounces. Of this he gave a dram once or twice daily.

The American Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Pharmacognosy, 1919, was written by Finley Ellingwood, M.D.
It was scanned by Michael Moore for the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine.