Duboisia. Duboisia myoporoides.

Botanical name: 

Synonym—Corkwood Elm.

An alkaloid Duboisine similar to hyoscyamine and atropine. Dose, 1/130 to 1/50 grain, usually administered hypodermically.


Extractum Duboisiae, Extract of Duboisia. Dose, ¼ to ½ grain.
Extractum Duboisiae Fluidum, Fluid Extract of Duboisia. Dose, from two to ten drops.

Physiological ActionDuboisia is similar in many respects in its influence, to stramonium, hyoscyamus and belladonna. It produces dryness in the mouth and constriction in the throat, with difficult deglutition. It increases the pulse rate and arterial tension, increases the capillary circulation in the skin, with flushed face like belladonna. The pupil dilates, there is a sensation of fullness in the head, with tinnitus aurium, vertigo, nervous excitement and muscular uncertainty. These conditions are followed by mental inactivity and stupor, with general quiet, although the patient may not sleep.

Therapy—The agent has not been extensively used for internal administration. It soothes the respiratory apparatus, increases the action of the heart, like belladonna in congestions, and is given to control excessive night sweats.

It has been given in some cases of maniacal excitement, but it must be given in the enfeebled cases and not when there is fullness— engorgement of the circulation of the cerebral organs. It has been used in the treatment of emotional insanity and delirium with excitement. Duboisine is given in doses of from 1/120 to the 1/60 of a grain in these cases, and is said to be a valuable hypnotic. In a few insane patients, especially those with hysterical manifestations, it has caused regurgitation of the food. It is also used in muscular tremblings, paralysis agitans and epilepsy.

There are a few patients who are especially susceptible to its use and will experience vertigo, fullness of the head, a feeling of danger and heart pains, even from small doses, or from a single drop of a one per cent solution in the eye.

Duboisia has been used as a mydriatic. It has no properties not possessed by atropine, although it is claimed to produce its effects in paralyzing accommodation and dilating the pupil more rapidly, with less conjunctival irritation and with more speedy recovery.

The hypodermic injection of duboisine will antagonize the influence of opium or morphine as effectually as atropine.

The American Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Pharmacognosy, 1919, was written by Finley Ellingwood, M.D.
It was scanned by Michael Moore for the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine.