Hypericum. Hypericum perforatum.

Botanical name: 

Synonyms—St. Johns Wort, Millepertuis.

It contains a volatile oil, red coloring principle, pectin and a resin.


The powder. Dose from one to five grains.
The tincture. Dose from one-half to ten minims.
Fluid extract. Dose, from one to five minims.

Specific Symptomatology—Muscular bruises, deep soreness, painful parts. A sensation of throbbing in the body, without fever. Burning pain, or deep soreness in the spine upon pressure, spinal irritation, circumscribed areas of intense soreness over the spinal cord or ganglia. Concussion, shock or injury to the spine, lacerated or punctured wounds in any location, accompanied with great pain.

Therapy—This agent by Homeopathic physicians is considered specifically adapted to irritation, soreness, or chronic disease accompanied with tenderness of the spinal column. It is indicated when symptoms of that disease or of general spinal tenderness are present. If accompanied with fever, which is seldom the case, other indicated remedies should be prescribed. For traumatism of the spinal column, or nerve centers, Homeopathists use it externally and internally, in traumatic conditions of the spinal cord, and where there is shock or where there are contusions or lacerations without shock. They believe that it will prevent convulsions from spinal injury, and will prevent tetanus from punctured wounds, relieving the pain resulting from injury.

Hypericum in doses of two drops every four hours is suggested as of much value in the treatment of piles. It may induce headache, or a burning pain in the lumbar region. It sometimes induces diarrhea, but these symptoms occurring, the remedy may be reduced in quantity or discontinued for a short time, and then resumed.

Used as a fomentation or ointment it is applied to tumors, caked breasts, enlarged glands, ecchymosis, bruises, swellings and painful ulcers.

The American Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Pharmacognosy, 1919, was written by Finley Ellingwood, M.D.
It was scanned by Michael Moore for the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine.