
Occurrence—Ingluvin is the active principle derived from the gizzard of the domestic fowl—ventriculus eallosus gallinaceus. The lining structure of the chicken's gizzard is a dense, hardened membrane, surrounded by powerful muscles. The motion of these muscles upon the contents of the gizzard is accompanied by the continuous exudation of a strong, organic fluid from glands located in the lining membrane. This fluid acts preliminarily upon the food before it reaches the gastric juices in the stomach, and also assists in the complete digestion of the food when there. It exercises in part the function of pepsin, as well as of the ptyalin of the salivary secretion.

Description—The substance occurs in scales or as a coarse granular powder, yellowish or brownish-yellow in color. It is bitter, slightly acid, and has but little odor. Dose, from three to twenty grains.

Therapy—The digestive powers of this agent are not as wide as those of pepsin, but it is efficient in cases where there is indigestion with nausea and gastric irritation. Pain in the stomach, with the above conditions, is relieved by this agent. In the deficient action of the stomach accompanied with nausea and vertigo in neurasthenics this is a useful remedy, as it certainly acts as a tonic or stimulant, increasing the functional activity of the stomach and soothing both local and reflex irritation. It is of much value in the vomiting of infants from local or undetermined causes. In these cases thirty grains may be stirred into half of a glass of water and a teaspoonful of this given every ten, twenty or thirty minutes. In small infants equal parts of Ingluvin and bismuth may be stirred together in the water and administered in smaller doses. It is given in capsules when large doses are needed in adults. This combination is of much efficacy in cholera infantum and in other protracted diarrheas with nausea. Sodium bicarbonate should be added where there is excessive acidity.

In the vomiting of pregnancy it has won its highest reputation and should be given in doses of from five to twenty grains before meals. It may be given in two ten-grain doses, one before and the other at the end of the meal, when the nausea is accompanied with indigestion. If the nausea is constantly present it may be given at any time at short, regular intervals, but with best results when the stomach is empty. In these cases when there is excessive nervous irritation with hysterical phenomena, an active nerve sedative will greatly facilitate the action of this remedy. Dilatation or mild cauterization of the os uteri may remove one of the causes of nausea, the Ingluvin afterwards quickly soothing the stomach.

When given as a digestive it should be given during or after the meals. The agent certainly exercises an influence which differs widely from that of pepsin and pancreatin, and yet is fully as important and valuable.

The American Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Pharmacognosy, 1919, was written by Finley Ellingwood, M.D.
It was scanned by Michael Moore for the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine.