Cajuput. Melaleuca cajuputi.

Botanical name: 

Part Employed—The volatile oil. Solvent, alcohol. Dose, from two to ten minims.

Cajeputene, iso-cajeputene, and para-cajeputene.


Spiritus Cajuputi, Spirit of Cajuput. Dose, one fluid dram.
Mistura Cajuputi Composita, compound Cajuput Mixture. (Hunn's Life Drops.) Dose, from, one to two fluid drams.
Tinctura Camphorae Composita, Compound Tincture of Camphor. Dose, twenty drops.

Therapy—It is used in the typhoid state, in the stage of collapse in Asiatic cholera, in exhaustion from cholera infantum, the typhoid condition in malignant scarlet fever.

Oil of cajuput is a diffusible stimulant of great power, and is indicated in all depressed and collapsed states of disease where there is no inflammation; such as we find in the advanced stage of adynamic fevers and malignant diseases.

Cajuput is a vermifuge, and may be used to destroy intestinal worms. It is antispasmodic, and is one of the most successful remedies ever employed in the painful cramps of Asiatic cholera. It is equally efficient in cholera morbus, cholera infantum, nervous vomiting, hysteria, and wherever there is depression of the vital powers associated with spasmodic action.

It is important that there should be no inflammation present when cajuput is employed; and when it is given internally in such complaints as cholera morbus, or spasms of the bowels, care should be taken not to excite inflammation of the stomach by a too free use of the remedy.

Its action is similar to prickly ash as a stimulant.

In the combinations known as Hunn's Drops and the compound liniment of camphor it has been employed.

In Asiatic cholera, oil of cajuput, in various combinations, was an established means of treatment among the older Eclectics. It stops the spasms, overcomes the collapsed condition, and in many cases effects complete reaction. In like manner it controls the vomiting, cramps and diarrhea in cholera morbus and allied diseases.

In acne rosacea, psoriasis and other scaly skin diseases the oil, undiluted, should be applied to the diseased skin three times a day.

In toothache the oil should be applied to the cavity of the tooth on cotton.

In neuralgia the oil should be applied to the seat of pain.

In rheumatism, bruises, sprains, contusions, chilblains, lameness, and other painful affections, the compound tincture (liniment) of camphor, well rubbed in before the fire, will be found to afford relief.

The oil of cajuput and its preparations may be given on sugar, or mixed with honey, or in an emulsion, or in warm brandy and water.

The American Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Pharmacognosy, 1919, was written by Finley Ellingwood, M.D.
It was scanned by Michael Moore for the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine.