
Botanical name: 

Plate 06. Trifolium palustre.

AN herb better known by the common people, than among the apothecaries, but of great virtue. It grows wild with us in marshy places, and is of so very singular appearance, that it must be known at sight. It grows a foot high, the leaves stand three upon each stalk, and these stalks rise immediately from the roots. They are thick, round, smooth, and fleshy; and the leaves themselves are large, oblong, and have some resemblance of those of garden-beans. The flowers stand upon naked stalks, which are also thick, round, fleshy, and whitish: they are small, but they grow together in a kind of thick short spike, so that in the cluster they make a conspicuous appearance; they are white with a very taint tinge of purple, and are hairy within; the root is whitish, long, and thick.

The leaves of buck-bean are to be gathered before the stalks appear for flowering, and are to be dried; the powder of them will cure agues, hut their great use is against the rheumatism: for this purpose they are to be given for a continuance of time in infusion, or in the manner of tea.

The Family Herbal, 1812, was written by John Hill.