
Botanical name: 

Plate 23. Kali.

A common wild plant, on the sea coasts of many parts of Europe, but not a native of our country. It is called cochleated kali, from the form of its seed-vessels, which are twisted in the manner of a snail's shell. It grows to a foot and a half in height. The stalk is round, thick, fleshy, and brittle. The leaves are few, and they stand irregularly; they are oblong, and blunted at the ends, and of a bluish green colour. The flowers are small, inconsiderable, and yellow.

The juice of the fresh plant is said to be an excellent diuretic; but we have no opportunities of knowing its virtues here. Some say the seed vessels have the same virtue, and give them in infusion, but we have better remedies of the same kind, of our own growth. The whole plant it burnt for its fixed salt, which is used in making glass.

The Family Herbal, 1812, was written by John Hill.