Lemon Tree.

Botanical name: 

Limonia majus.

A shrub, native of the warmer countries, and frequent in our green houses, very beautiful and fragrant. The trunk is moderately thick, and covered with a brown bark; the branches are numerous, irregular, and beset with prickles. The leaves are large, and very beautiful, of an oval figure, and set upon a naked stalk; they are of a beautiful green, and remain on the tree all winter. The flowers are large and white; of a thick firm substance, and very fragrant smell. The fruit we are sufficiently acquainted with; its shape is oblong, and its rind of a pale yellow colour: it has a part like a nipple at each end. Its smell is very fragrant, and its juice sour.

The peel and the juice of the fruit are used. The peel is stomachic and warm, it is a good ingredient in bitter infusions. The juice made into a syrup with twice its weight of fine sugar, is excellent for sweetening juleps and drinks in fevers, and, mixed with salt of wormwood, it stops vomitings.

The Family Herbal, 1812, was written by John Hill.