Twy Blade.

Botanical name: 


A very singular and pretty plant, common in our meadows in the beginning of summer. It is a foot high; the stalk is round, green, tender, and upright; it has only two leaves on it, and they grow from the root. They are very large, broad, of an oval figure, and stand opposite to one another, about the middle of the stalk or somewhat lower. The flowers are small and green; they are of an uncommon figure, somewhat like that of the orchis, and they stand in a long spike; the seeds are very small, and the root is small, slender, and white.

The fresh gathered plant is used; an infusion of if made strong, is good against the bleeding of the piles, and the juice is recommended to be applied to them externally.

The Family Herbal, 1812, was written by John Hill.