
Botanical name: 

Mistletoe Viscum album.

Also see Hool, 1922: Mistletoe.

Natural Order—Loranthaceae. Linnean System: Dioeaceae.

The leaves are lance-shaped, broader towards the end, and obtuse. The stem is forked; the heads of flowers sessile; the root woody and thick; the stem bushy, jointed, and smooth; the leaves are stiff; the flowers are yellowish in colour, and the berries are white. It is a perennial, parasitical plant, growing upon the apple tree, hawthorn, cak, and other trees. It flowers in May. It is very common in Herefordshire and Worcestershire.

Medicinal Properties: Nervine, Tonic, Diuretic, Antispasmodic, Astringent, Antiscorbutic, Sedative.

It is employed in chorea, convulsions, delirium, hysteria, neuralgia, nervous debility, urinary disorders, heart disease, and many other complaints arising from a weakened and disordered state of the nervous system.

Mistletoe is the specific herb for chorea or St. Vitus Dance.

Used singly: Infuse or boil 1-oz. of the leaves, stems and berries in one pint of water for about 10 minutes; strain, and take from one to two wineglassfuls three or four times a day.

An alternative compound medicine is made as follows.:—

Mistletoe ... 1½ ozs.
Great Wild English Valerian ... 1 oz.
English Scullcap ... 1 oz.
Ground Ivy ... 1 oz.
Lump Ginger, crushed ... ½ oz.

Mix together and boil in four quarts of water down to two quarts; strain with pressure, and while hot mix with 2-lbs. of black treacle or West Indian molasses. When cold it will be fit for use. Dose: Half a teacupful three to four times a day, before meals. This is an excellent remedy for St. Vitus Dance in either the acute or chronic form.

Another useful medicine for all kinds of nervous complaints is made as follows:—

Mistletoe ... ½ oz.
Valerian Root ... ½ oz.
Vervain ... ½ oz.

Boil in 1½ pints of water for 10 minutes; when cool strain, and take two tablespoonfuls two or three times a day. For cases of debility of the digestive organs this medicine may be improved by the addition of three or four Cayenne Pods. Take after meals.

Health from British Wild Herbs was written by Richard Lawrence Hool, N.A.M.H., in 1918.