
Botanical name: 

Mugwort Artemesia vulgaris.

Natural Order—Compositae. Linnean System: class 19, Syngenesia; Order 2nd, Polygamia Superflua.

This plant may be found growing by roadsides, on rubbish heaps, on river-sides, &c. It is a very common plant, and grows in all parts of England. The stems grow from 3 to 6 feet high, and are erect, branched, pannicled, and smooth. The leaves are dark green above, and white and downy underneath. Clusters of purplish, erect flowers. It is a perennial, and flowers in July and August.

Medicinal Properties: Emmenagogue, Tonic, Diuretic, Diaphoretic.

It makes an excellent female medicine, and may be relied upon as a remedy in obstructed menstruation. The infusion of one ounce to a pint of boiling water may be taken hot in doses of half a teacupful at bedtime. This will speedily remove the effects of a cold. In the case of young females about the age of puberty where the "change" does not easily take place, Mugwort is exceedingly useful; but it may have to be persevered with for a period of two to three months.

As a tonic, the cold infusion may be taken in wineglassful doses three times a day.

Mugwort is especially useful in subduing inflammatory swellings by bathing the part affected for an hour in a hot infusion, after which poultice with Slippery Elm or Chickw

Health from British Wild Herbs was written by Richard Lawrence Hool, N.A.M.H., in 1918.