
For Essential Cooperation

With the opening of the year there is born in all a desire to "make good" for the year to come; a desire to forget the mistakes of the past—to make no more of them; to improve upon every good effort we have made, and to be more successful in them. Resolutions, though often broken, if they are good ones, leave an influence which surely stimulates effort for the coming year.

In the field of this journal, while opportunities have been many in the past, they were never so great as at present. There is certainly a rennaiscence of the study of therapeutics. The Council of Pharmacy and Chemistry have sent out letters to the members of the American Medical Association endeavoring to inspire them with a zeal in observing the clinical action of drugs. We might say that it is remarkable that they are using, for the first time, by their school, the exact words with which our teachers have urged the observation and study of drug action in the past. In their letter of Dec. 2nd, they urge that the individual physician "observe and report the specific, the direct action of single drugs upon conditions of disease."

It is certainly time that the regular school was taking this up. It is almost unaccountable that it has been neglected so completely in the past. Our work is pioneer work in this line. The results of our work are on record and will be taken as a guide in their observation. It remains for us to perfect our observations, to reconfirm them, and to hold to the truths we have proven. Let us work in this line more diligently in 1909 than ever before and let every reader of this journal co-operate for the accomplishment of splendid results.

Ellingwood's Therapeutist, Vol. 3, 1909, was edited by Finley Ellingwood M.D.