The Medical Flora of Kansas: Taraxacum - Zanthoxylum.

Taraxacum dens-leonis (Taraxacum officinale). Dandelion. Root. It is a stimulant to the entire intestinal tract.

Teucrium Canadense. Wood-sage, wild germander. Fresh plant. Stimulant and tonic. It also relieves hysteria, restlessness, and promotes sleep.

(Some Teucriums contain livertoxic neo-clerodane diterpenoids. Their use is discouraged. --Henriette.)

Trillium erectum; T. sessile. Beth-flower. Root. All the Trilliums are medicinal and have similar properties. Their influence seems to be directed to the mucous membranes, checking profuse secretion. They are employed with benefit in chronic coughs, chronic catarrh, and chronic bronchitis, and as styptics. (No longer found in Kansas—MM)

Triosteum perfoliatum. Fever-wort. Bark of root. The books say it is cathartic, emetic, tonic, diuretic, anti-rheumatic, and alterative. In addition to these properties, I think it is slightly sedative. It controls frequency of pulse, while at the same time it reduces the temperature in fevers and inflammations, and is a desirable adjunct to other treatment in intermittent and remittent fevers; just what is needed in Kansas.

Ustilago maidis. Corn-ergot. It is used for the same purposes as ergot. It relieves capillary congestion, dizziness, dull headache, etc.

Verbascum thapsus. Mullein. Fresh top, leaves and flowers. It allays bronchial irritation; also exerts a mild influence upon the nervous system.

Verbena bracteosa (Verbena bracteata). Prostrate vervain. Root. Used in scrofulous affections, especially in scrofulous sore eyes. Some think it more potent as an alterative than iodide of potassium.

Verbena hastata; V. urticifolia; nettle-leaved vervain; root. These remedies are considered as prophylactic against autumnal fevers and ague. In large doses they are emetic; also tonic and antiperiodic.

Vernonia fasciculata. Iron-weed. Root. It promotes waste and secretion, and hence is alterative. It is also mildly tonic.

Veronica Americana or V. beccabunga. Brooklime. Fresh leaves and tops. It is directed to the skin and mucous membranes, and relieves irritation of them. (No longer found in Kansas—MM)

Viburnum prunifolium. Black haw. Bark of root. Antiabortive; controls uterine pains, after-pains and dysmenorrhea. Is specific against abortion.

Viola pedata. Blue violet. Entire plant. All the species are mucilaginous, emollient and laxative; also alterative, and relieves nervous irritability.

Xanthoxylum fraxineum (Zanthoxylum americanum). Prickly ash. Berries. A diffusable stimulant. Its direct action seems to be upon mucous membranes generally, as of the throat and bronchial tubes, stomach and intestines, and of the urinary apparatus.

Transactions of the National Eclectic Medical Association, Vol. X, 1882-83, edited by Alexander Wilder.