Liquor Ergotinae.—Liquor of Ergotin.

Botanical name: 

Related entry: Ergota (U. S. P.)—Ergot

SYNONYM: M. Yvon's solution of ergotin.

Preparation and Description.—Coarsely powder ergot and deprive it of its fixed oil by washing it with rectified disulphide of carbon, then dry it in the open air and protected from the light until the odor of the solvent has entirely disappeared. Introduce this powder into a cylindrical percolator, and exhaust it in the cold by distilled water, to every one thousand cubic centimeters (1000 Cc.) [33 fl℥, 391♏︎] of which two grammes (2 Gm.) [31 grs.] of tartaric acid have been added. Heat the liquid obtained, so as to coagulate any albuminous matters that may be present in it, then filter, and by means of a water-bath, evaporate it to about one-third of its volume. When cool, filter, digest the filtered liquid with a slight excess of recently precipitated carbonate of calcium so as to saturate the excess of tartaric acid. Filter, evaporate to the consistence of thick syrup, and precipitate with alcohol of sp. gr. 0.822, added in such quantity as to furnish with the aqueous liquid an alcohol of sp. gr. 0.871. Again filter, and then evaporate to drive off the alcohol. Exhaust the residuum by the addition of distilled water in quantity slightly less than that of the weight of the ergot employed, a little animal charcoal being used. Again filter, and to the filtered liquid add, for each one hundred grammes (100 Gm.) [3 ozs. av., 231 grs.] of ergot employed, fifteen centigrammes (15 Cgm.) [2 1/3 grs.] of salicylic acid. Complete the process by adding distilled water, in such quantity as to obtain a weight of liquid equal to that of the ergot employed in the preparation of the solution. Allow this to rest for several days in a cool place, and then pour it into small vials having well-fitted, ground stoppers.

Hypodermatic injections of ergotin have rapidly come into favor with the profession, being employed in various forms of disease. One great objection formerly to their employment has been the irritating quality of the solutions used, occasioning abscesses and indurations. M. Yvon succeeded in forming a solution wholly free from irritating principles, the process for preparing which, as described by himself, we have deemed proper to present. The liquid obtained by this process is of a fine amber color, clear, non-fermentable, and keeps well; all the reagents of the alkaloids form abundant precipitates with it. One Gm. of this solution represents 1 Gm. of ergot, and it contains the obstetrical and hemostatic principles of this drug.

Action, Medical Uses, and Dosage.—(See Ergota.)

King's American Dispensatory, 1898, was written by Harvey Wickes Felter, M.D., and John Uri Lloyd, Phr. M., Ph. D.