Mistura Sodae et Menthae (N. F.)—Mixture of Soda and Spearmint.

Botanical name: 

Related entry: Mentha Viridis (U. S. P.)—Spearmint

SYNONYM: Soda mint.

Preparation.—Sodium bicarbonate, fifty grammes (50 Gm.) [1 oz. av., 334 grs.]; aromatic spirit of ammonia (U. S. P.), ten cubic centimeters (10 Cc.) [162♏︎]; spearmint water (U. S. P.), a sufficient quantity to make one thousand cubic centimeters (1000 Cc.) [33 fl℥, 391♏︎]. Dissolve the sodium bicarbonate in about seven hundred and fifty cubic centimeters (750 Cc.) [25 fl℥, 173♏︎] of spearmint water, add the aromatic spirit of ammonia and enough spearmint water to make one thousand cubic centimeters (1000 Cc.) [33 fl℥, 391♏︎]. Filter, if necessary"—(Nat. Form.).

Action and Medical Uses.—Antacid and carminative.

King's American Dispensatory, 1898, was written by Harvey Wickes Felter, M.D., and John Uri Lloyd, Phr. M., Ph. D.