Homeopathic dilutions: M

Magnesium Phosphoricum. 2x.

We think of this remedy in all pains of a spasmodic nature; such as colic, cramps, neuralgia, babies' colic, writer's cramp, teething, troubles with convulsions, neuralgic pains of a darting but not of a burning nature, where warmth will relieve, palpitation of the heart in some forms, toothache if hot fluids relieve, sciatica to relieve pain. In painful menstruation it has proven a good remedy, especially if the flow is scanty.

It is our best remedy in hiccough. In all cases in absence of fever it is more effective if taken in hot water.

Average dose for adults is about 1 to 3 grains of the 1st or 2nd trituration every 1/4 to 2 hours, as the case demands.

Mercurius Vivus. 12d Upwards.

Sweating aggravates pain or condition. Mouth moist yet intense thirst. Gums swollen and spongy. Saliva of stringy nature with very offensive odor from the mouth. Tongue indented on edges and is large, flabby and may be swollen. Fever not relieved by sweating, creeping chilliness worse evenings and in the night. There may alternate flushes and creeping chilliness. Perspiration may be very profuse, symptoms aggravated when getting warm in bed or perspiring. On the mucous membrane discharges are thin and excoriating at first followed by thickening of the discharge which becomes more bland, worse nights. One of our best remedies in its primary form for syphilis, however, if mercurius has been used abusively in its secondary form, nitric acid should be used for the treatment of syphilis. It has a strong action on the bones or glands if indicated. Given in high potencies it may abort suppuration if given early enough.

Where sweating increases symptoms or pain no matter what the disease we think of mercurius.

The Materia Medica and Clinical Therapeutics, 1905, was written by Fred J. Petersen, M.D.