
Aconite: Alkalies, alkaline earths and their carbonates; vegetable astringents, lime water.
Alcohol: With strychnine.
Belladonna: Alkalies, tannin, vegetable astringents, opium, gelsemium.
Bromides: Such agents as stimulate the vaso-motor nerves, as digitalis, ergot, belladonna, etc., are incompatible with the bromides.
Codeine: With chloral hydrate.
Cocaine: With morphine.
Carbolic Acid: With chloral hydrate.
Colchicum: Acid renders the vinous tincture drastic; alkalies render it milder in its operation.
Conium: Strong acids, alkalies, tannin, etc.
Digitalis: Salts of iron and lead, tannin, vegetable astringents.
Gelsemium: Opium, belladonna or its alkaloid atropine.
Hyoscyamus: Acetate of lead, nitrate of silver, sulphate of iron, tannin and vegetable astringents.
Infusions: With metallic salts.
Infusions and Bitter Tinctures: With metallic salts of iron or lead.
Iron: Should not be given with medicine or anything containing tannic acid.
Oils, Essential and Fixed: With aqueous liquids.
Opium: Alkalies, alkaline earths and carbonates, nitrate of silver, salts of copper, iron, zinc and lead, tannin and gallic acid.
Pepsin: Alkalies, alcohol, tinctures.
Stramonium: Caustic, fixed alkalies or soda and potash.
Strychnine: Alcohol, chloral, hydrocyanic acid, nicotine.
Vegetable Preparations: That contain tannic acid are incompatible with salts of iron and lead.

Chemical Incompatibles.

Acids: In general with alkalies and weak salts of other acids.
Acid Chromic: Mixed with sugar, glycerine or other alcohol producing agents will explode.
Acid Hydrochloric: With alkalies and weak salts of other acids.
Acid Hydrocyanic: With salts of iron, chlorides, nitrates, sulphates. Mixed with metallic salts such as __ as well as carbonates, hydrates, nitrate of bismuth or calomel is poisonous.
Acid Nitric: Mixed with phosphorus or glycerine will explode and is dangerous. Nitric acid, muriatic acid and tinct. nux vomica explode after a few hours.
Acid Nitro-Hydrochloric: Mixed with dry organic substances may explode.
Acid Salicylic: Iron and its compounds, lime water, iodide of potassium.
Acid Tannic: With glycerine, chlorate of potassium, will explode on addition of water.
Acacia Gum: Alcohol, borax, ether and etheral tinctures. Iron, mineral acids and solution of lead.
Albumen and gelatine and substances containing them are incompatible with tannic acid, or anything containing it.
Arsenic: Tannic acid, magnesia, lime salts and oxides of iron.
Bismuth Subnitrate: Mercury, sulphur, tannin.
Camphor: With water,
Chlorates: With glycerine and tincture of chloride of iron and chloride of lime triturated with sulphur in a mortar have produced explosions.
Chloride of Iron: With glycerine and chlorate of potassium if warmed will explode.
Chloral Hydrate: Ammonia, alkalies, mercury compounds, alcohol, potassium bromides and cyanides.
Chlorides: Hydrogen peroxide, lead and silver salts.
Chloroform: Amyl nitrite.
Hydrogen Peroxide: Alkaline citrates.
Iodine Tincture: With ammonia forms the iodide of nitrogen which becomes highly explosive, especially if triturated when mixed with water.
Iron Salts: With anything that contains tannic acid.
Mucilage: With iron salts, alcohol and acids.
Morphia Muriate: Added to the oxide of silver is explosive if it be mixed quickly with extract of gentian, but if mixed slowly it is more safe.
Oxidizers: Such as chromic acid, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, chloral, potassium nitrate, potassium permanganate, etc., mixed with the readily oxidizable substances, such as oils, phosphorus, ether, turpentine, dry organic substances, tannin, sugar, sulphur, the sulphites, vegetable powders, glycerine, alcoholic or ethereal tinctures result in explosions.
Potassium Chlorate: To mix with other salts is dangerous. Mixed with powdered catechu or powdered nut galls it will explode. Mixed with oils and ether it will explode. With alcohol, ammonia, ethereal oils, glycerine and organic substances is dangerous.
Potassium Permanganate: Mixed with alcohol, ammonium salts, ethereal oils, glycerine and organic substances is dangerous.
Potassium Cyanide: Mixed with metallic salts, such as hydrates, carbonates, subnitrates or subchlorides, as, the carbonates or nitrates of bismuth, or with calomel, is poisonous.
Potassium Iodide: Very strong acids and salts of same, alkaloids, iron, potassium chlorate, nitrate of silver, mercurial salts. Mixed with chlorate of potassium it is very poisonous.
Silver Nitrate: With acids (with exception of nitric acid) alkalies, bromides, carbonates, iodides, sulphur.
Sodium Biborate: Sodium bicarbonate, glycerine and water, if corked, are liable to explode.
Sodium Bicarbonate: With acids and their salts, alkaloids, metallic salts, tannic acid.
Sodium Bromide: Mineral acids, mercury and its compounds, chlorine water.
Sodium Hyphophosphite with potassium chlorate is explosive if water is added.
Uva Ursi Fluid Extract: With certain samples of the spirits of nitre or chromic acid with glycerine, permanganate of potassium with glycerine, nitric acid with glycerine, nitrate of silver with creosote, the oxide of silver in pill with extract of gentian, potassium.

The Materia Medica and Clinical Therapeutics, 1905, was written by Fred J. Petersen, M.D.