Viburnum Prunifolium.

Botanical name: 

Related entry: Viburnum opulus

Syn.—Black Haw; Stag Bush.
P. E.—Bark of root.
N. O.—Caprifoliaceae.
N. H.—Eastern and Middle States.

Properties: Uterine tonic and sedative, mildly antispasmodic, astringent, diuretic.

Use: Stimulant tonic to the reproductive nerve centers. Its action is on the uterus, regulating its function and allaying irritation, acting through the nervous-system. It acts favorably in nervous conditions of pregnant women. We think of it in threatened abortion, uterine hemorrhage, vomiting of pregnancy where there is a tendency to abortion. If ovarian irritation is the cause of sterility this is a good remedy if used for some time. Dysmenorrhea with cramp-like pains, especially membranous dysmenorrhea, is often relieved by it; but it must be taken for at least 3 to 4 days, before and after the menstrual period. It is of value in amenorrhea and metrorrhagia. In irregular and sudden appearance of the flow; sometimes occurring in eruptive and other fevers it is of great value in preventing sepsis; if antiseptic douches are given locally to prevent local septic conditions. Of value in sympathetic disturbance of the heart, stomach and nervous system in sensitive women during or preceding the flow, which are the result of vaso-motor disturbances. May be used to great advantage. in the last months of pregnancy, when it will facilitate labor. Controls after-pains, prevents post-partum hemorrhage and favors normal involution. In pregnant women where the circulation in the lower extremities is impaired, with capillary hemorrhage, pain, etc., the result of weakness and engorgement of the uterus, which in this way causes abnormal pressure, viburnum prunifolium is a very good remedy. In threatened abortion it is our best remedy.

The Materia Medica and Clinical Therapeutics, 1905, was written by Fred J. Petersen, M.D.