Chap. 137. Of Clary, Garden.

Clary, Garden. Clary of Dioscorides. Clary, German. This chapter hasn't been proofread yet.

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I. The Names. It is called in Greek, Offon* J- «τα τ* ItuZv, ah Impetu quod ad Venerem fti-mulat, as Dioscorides says : In Latin, Horminum, Sclarea, and Scarlea, Orminum Cordi, Gallitricum Tragi, and so of Lugdunensis and Gerard : In English, Clary, quafi Cleer-Eye.

II. The Kinds. Iris, 1. Of^Vov _u«#x, Horminum nortense, Garden Clary _· of which in this Chapter. 2. OflaVar of«op, Horminum Sylvestre, Wild Clary, 0f which in the next. The Garden Clary,

is, r. Όξ(Μον kcivzv, Horminum Commune, Common Clary. 2. Horminum sativum vcrum brjeorid/s, The true Garden Clary of Dioscorides. ?. Coins Jovis, Lobcl'i, Clufij, Cawerarij, Lugdunensis, Eyfte-tends, Gerardi $ Orvuli Tertia Dodonai _·, Meluim Csfalpim, Galeopsis, Lutca Dalechampij, Horminum Luteum Glutinofam Bauhirti, Horminum Tndcnti-num, Horminum luteum alwrum _·, Camphor at a Cf Sphacelus aliis, Yellow Wild Clary, or Jupiter's Distaff. 4. Hornirnum hum He Germimcum, Gallitricum alterum Gerardi, The Smaller sort of Clary, or German Clary.

III. The Descriptions. The first, Common Clary has a Root which is blackish and spreads not jar, but perishes after Seed time _·, from whence proceeds a Stalk a foot and half high, or more, which as it grows up branches it self into others ; these Stalks are four square, thick and rough, fending forth broad, rough, wrinkled, whitish, or Hoary green Leaves, somewhat evenly cut in on the edges, and of a strong sweet Scent, some of them growing near the ground, and some by Couples upon the Stalks. The Flowers grow at certain distances, at the Joints, ( with two small Leaves under them ) somewhat like unto Sage Flowers, but smaller, and of a very whitish pale blew color. The Seed is blackish, or somewhat flat, and not so round as the Wild, and is contained in long toothed Husks, which serve instead of Cods.

IV. The second, or True Garden Clary of Dioscorides, has a Root which w small, and perishing every Year, from whence it rises up but with one square hairy Stalk, about a foot and half hi φ, mere or less, as the ground is m goodness : The Stalk spreads it self into several square Branches, on which are Jet at every Joint two Leaves, one against another, which are something broad and round, a little rugged like unto Horehound, but more green than white, and of a reasonable good Smell: at the tops of the Stalks stand divers Leaves.onercw under another, of a very fine, deep, purple Violet color, the lower being paler than the upper most, and jee>n afir off to be Flowers, but approaching nearer to them, are found only to be Leaves, the Flowers coming forth

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tinder them at set Spaces about the Stalks, of a whitish purple color, smaller than the Flowers of any other sort ofClary, and funding in brownish purple Husks, winch after the said Flowers are past, whilst the Seed ripens ( which is then black ) turn themselves downwards, by reason whereof, if it is not ^gathered in due time, it is loft. Gerard says the Leaves are somewhat round, and lafd over with a hoary Cottony substance, not much unlike Horehound: the Stalks are square, small and hairy; and the Flowers coming forth between those beautiful purple Leaves, towards the tops, are small, of a blewish or watched color, in fashion like to Rosemary-flowers.

with divers fibres springing therefrom, which perish not, but abide many years : from this Root come forth several square and somewhat hairy Stalks, a foot and half high, on which do grow large Leaves, very like unto our common Garden Clary, hairy, rough, and rugged, but not all out Jo large, nor of so white a color, growing two at a Joint, on the contrary part thereof, one unto another, and somewhat cut in on the edges, and deeply dented likewise, having also a less strong scent than they. The Flowers grow at Spaces about the Stalks, to the tops, bowing their spiky Heads, which are of a purple color, not much larger than Lavender-flowers, which being past away, there comes after them, small blackish Seed.

V. The third, or Colus Jovis, has a knobby Root, which is composed of many long firings, by which it takes strong hold in the Earth, and abides many Tears : from whence rise up several four square rough Stalks, a yard high, or more, which branch forth themselves into divers four square Stalks or Branches. The Leaves are many, large, hoary, or of a whitish green, dented about toe. edges, and standing upon long footstalks, rising some from the Root, and some from the Joints of the Stalks, which are broader at the bottom, smoother also, and somewhat fat or clammy in handling, and somewhat hairy, as the square Stalks also are. These Leaves upon the Stalks ft and by Couples, and are like the Leaves which grow below, but somewhat lesser. At the tops of the Stalks the Flowers come forth at set Spaces, set round about in Coronets or Wharls, which are gaping, and like unto those 0/Common Clary, but

°l aJnl7lt y,enow color-> after which comes brown blackish Seed Gerard/^,, that this kind of Clary, called Coins Jovis, represents in the very top of the Stalk a Diftaft, wrapped about with yellow Flax, and that from thenc took its name\ and that the Leaves are like those of Nettles, rough, fiarpyointed, and of an overworn green color : both Leaves and Flowers have somewhat a strong Smell

thickness of a Alan's Thumb, black on the outside

VII. The Places. These are all nourished up with us in Gardens, the fourth of them being brought to us out of Germany _·, and all of them ( except the third ) are sometimes found to grow Wild in several places. The Colus Jovis, which only grows in Gardens here, is found to grow in great plenty throughout all Hungary and Austria, and in many other places.

VIII. The Times. The first is most usually sown, for the Seed rises of its own ihedding : The second also requires to be new sown in the Spring, for it seldom comes up of the Seed which falls, the Frosts and Winter with us, for the most part, killing of it. They all Flower in the Summer Months, as in June, July and August, some a little later than others, and their Seed is ripe in August, or September.

IX. The Qualities. Gerard says, Clary is hot and dry in the third Degree : Aperitive, Abstersive, Astringent, Traumatick or Vulnerary _·, Pectoral, Hysterick, Alterative, Analeptick, and Spermatoge-netick.

X. The Specification. It strengthens weak Backs, stimulates to Venery, and causes fruitfulness.

XI. The Preparations. You may have therefrom,
1. The green Leaves.
2. A liquid Juice of the Herb.
3. An Essence.
4. A Syrup.
5. A Decoction.

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6. A Pouder of the Leaves.
7. A Balsam.
8. A Cataplasm.
9. The whole Seed.
10. A Pouder of the Seed.
11. A Mucilage of the Seed.
12. An Electuary of the Pouder of the Leaves and Seed.

Tl?c Virtues.

XII. The green Herb. Because of its properties of Strengthening, and provoking Venery, it is very much used by some people, especially in Countrey Towns, to be fryed in a Frying Pan, being first dipt into a Batter made of Flower, Eggs, and Milk or Cream, and so ( being served up to the Table ) to be eaten.

XIII. The liquid Juice of the Herb. Used as an Errhine, it cleanses the Head and Brain of Cold, Flegmatick, and Viscous Humors, or other matter afflicting those parts : and taken from three ounces to fix, mixt with a Glass of Tent or Alicant, it admirably strengthens the Back, and excites Venus: It thickens the Seed, warms and comforts the Womb, and is said to cause fruitfulness in Women, being taken and used Morning and Night for some considerable time. If also cleanses, and heals green Wounds.

XIV. The Essence. It has the Virtues of the liquid Juice, besides which, it provokes the Terms in Women, warms and comforts a cold and moist Womb, and takes away the Weakness and Slipperiness thereof: it facilitates the Birth, and expels the Secundine, or Afterbirth. And as it is good to be given to Women which are Barren, through a cold and moist disposition of the Womb ; lb is it also good to stop the Whites, and to comfort a cold and weak Stomach, opprest with Viscous Flegm. Dose from one ounce to two, three, or four ounces, in a Glass of generous Wine.

XV. The Syrup of the Juice. It has the Virtues of the two former, but not so powerful, because it is so much clogg'd with Honey. But in other cafes as a Pectoral, it is much beyond them, for it causes better Expectoration, and therefore is good against Coughs, Colds, Hoarsness, Wheezings, ihortness of Breath, difficulty of Breathing, and other like Distempers of the Brest and Lungs. Dose two or three Ounces, Morning and Night.

XVI. The Decoction in Wine. It is weaker than the Juice or Essence, but has all the Virtues of the aforegoing Preparations in a lower Degree. It helps to expectorate rotten and purulent matter from the Lungs in a Pleurisie, as also in Coughs, and other Distempers of those Parts and possibly may be good for such as are troubled with the Sciatica. Dose fix ounces Morning and Nighr.

XVII. The Pouder of the heaves. Snuffed up the Nostrils causeth sneezing, and thereby purges the Head and Brain of Rheum, and cold thin Flegm, and Tartarous Matter afflicting thole parts, cauling Head-achs, Vertigo's, Apoplexies, Drowsiness, Sleepiness, and Lethargies : and being taken inwardly to one Dram, Morning and Evening, in a little of the Syrup, it strengthens the Back, increases the Seed, and excites Venery.

XVIIL The Balsam. Whether it is made with the Juice, or with the green Leaves, it is as singular a Vulnerary as is to be met withal. It not only cures Green Wounds at once or twice dressing them, but also digests, cleanses, and heals foul, putrid, or rotten and running Ulcers : and being applied, is an excellent thing to give ease in the Sciatica.

XIX. The Cataplasm. Being applied to Contusions, it discusses them, if no Vessels are torn: and applied to Green Wounds, it suddenly heals them.

XX. The whole Seed. It is used to be put into the Eyes to clear them from Films, Clouds, Moats

or other like things which offend them. It also clears them from Pearls, and white or red Spots, which chance to grow upon them.

XXI. The Pouder of the Seed. Put into the Eyes, it clears the fight _·, and being taken inwardly from half a dram, to a dram and half, Morning and Night, in Syrup of Clary, it admirably stimulates Venus, strengthens the Reins, and eases Pains of those Parts.

XXII. The Mucilage of the Seed. If it is made with Water, and applied to Tumors or Swellings, it discusses and removes them. It also draws forth Splinters, Thorns, or other things gotten into the Flesh. If made with Vinegar, it is good against hot Inflammations, as also Biles, Felons, and other hot Excretions in the Flesh and Skin, more especially if it is applied to them before they are come to too great a head.

XXIII. The Electuary of the Pouder of the heaves and Seed. Put into Sore or Ulcerated Eyes, it heals them _·, and being used Morning, Noon and Night, for some considerable time, it clears the Eye-fight of Pearls, Films, Clouds, and other like things, and helps dimness of fight, washing the Eyes also between whiles four or five times a day, with the Juice or Essence of the Herb. This Electuary being also taken inwardly from one dram to two drams, Morning and Night, for some time, helps Coughs, and Ulcers of the Lungs, restores in Consumptions, strengthens weak Backs, breeds Seed*, excites Lust, and admirably fortifies the whole Man.

XXIV. Colus Jovis, yellow Clary, or Jupiter's Distaff, is hot and dry in the second Degree, and its Juice and Essence, are singular good to cleanse and heal old Ulcers, and foul running Sores, being applied to the Parts afflicted, according to Art.

Botanologia, or The English Herbal, was written by William Salmon, M.D., in 1710.