Chap. 153. Of Coriander.

Coriander. Coriander, Small. This chapter hasn't been proofread yet.

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I. The The Names. It is called in Greek, and X KceUw ( from K'0iv(, Cimex, the Wall-house, which we call Buggs ; for that Coriander in its scent, very much resembles their stinking Smell when they are killed :) In hat in, Cor ion, and Carta* non, but mostly in the Shops Coriandrum : In Arabick, Casberra, and Elcosbur : In English, Coriander. Λ

II. The Kinds. There are but two sorts of it which are found with us, viz. 1. Coriandrum vulgare, The common Coriander. 2. Coriander minus odorum, The lesser sweet Coriander. And by the name Coriander these Plants are known in almost all Nations.

III. The Descriptions. The first has a small Root, which perishes every Year after Seed time : from this Roots spring up Leaves which are something broad, almost like unto Parsley or Chervil ; but after the Stalk or Stalks come forth, which are three or four feet high, being full grown; the Leaves then are smaller and finer, every one than other, up 'f the top, being of a faint green color, and very much cut or fagged in, almost like to the Leaves of Fumitory, but a great deal smaller, tenderer, and more jagged. The Flowers are white, and grew small loose Umbles, like unto Dill; which being ?Φ« away, there comes forth round firiked hcllcwSeed, of a whitish yellow color when it is ripe. The whole Plant, Seed and all, while it is green and grc-'Jit^ 3 has

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has a strong and loathsom Smell, scarcely to be endured ; but when the Seed is full ripe and dry, it is of a very good Scent, and of an agreeable Taste.

IV. The second has Roots and Stalks almost like the former >, but the Leaves, the lower as well as the higher, are all finely cut in, and jagged ; the Stalks are much lower, not abtve half a foot high; (says Parkinson ) and lying almost on the ground: the Flowers on its Tops are white ; and the Seed round as the other, but fuller and larger, and two always joined together.

V. The Places. They are only Sown in Gardens now, as in old time. Pliny says, they are not found Wild nor are their natural places known.

VI. The Times. They Flower in July, and their Seed is ripe in August.

VII. The Qualities. The green Leaves are said to be Cold and Dry. The dried Seed is Hot and Dry in the end of the second Degree, or beginning of the third. It is Aperitive, Anodyn, Carminative, Difculfive, Stomatick, and Alexipharmick.

VIII. The Specification. It flays Vomiting, and helps Digestion.

IX. The Preparations.. You may have therefrom, 1. A Juice Jrom* the Green Herb. 2. An Essence of the same. 3. An Ointment or Balsam of the same. 4. A Cataplasm of the Green Herb. 5. Coriander Comfits. 6. A Pouder of the Seed. 7. A Spirituous Tincture of the Seed. 8. An Acid Tincture thereof. 9. An Oily Tincture of the same. 10. A Saline Tincture thereof. 11. Λ Spirit. 12. An Oil by Distillation.

The Virtues.

X. The Juice of the Green Herb. Authors say, it is of a cold Quality, and that being drunk, altho5 but to half an ounce, it kills them that take it. But outwardly applied, it diffblves Knots and Kernels h and discusses other hard Tumors,* being alfiduouily used.

XI. The Essence of the same. It has the Virtue ς of the Juice, and being applied by Rags dipt the e-in, it is said to cure Anthonies hire, and other hot Tumors.

XII. The Ointment or Balsam of the same. It is made with Ceruie, Litharge, Vinegar, and Oil of Roles. It is commended against an Fryfipelas, running and fretting Sores, Wheals, Puihes, Carbuncles, and Botches, rising in the Skin or Flesh it cools the Inflammation, and takes away also the Swelling of the Cods.

XIII. The Cataplasm of the Green Herb made with Barley Meal, or Barley Bread. It has the Virtues of the Ointment, but is more powerful to allay Inflammations, and discuis hot Tumors or Swellings. It is also good to dissolve or discuss Wens, Hefhy Tumors, and protuberances of the King's-Evil, being duly applied.

XIV. The Comfits of the Seed. Gerard says, they prevail much against the Gout, being eaten upon a failing Stomach, before Dinner and also after Dinner without drinking after the same for three or four hours time : and they have yet a greater power over that Disease, if they be eaten in the same manner also after Supper.

XV. The Pouder of the Seed. If it is taken falling to almost a dram in a Glass of Generous Wine, it strengthens the Stomach, causes an Appetite, and makes a good Digestion, depresses Fumes and Vapors rising from the Stomach, Spleen or Womb, and ascending up into the Head. It stops Catarrhs, helps the noise in the Ears, and discusses that Tumor in the Throat, vulgarly called the Quinsey.

XVI. The Spirituous Tincture of the Seed. It is a most singular Stomatick, strengthens the Ventricle, stops Vomiting, helps Digestion, and eases the most inveterate Pains of that Bowel : and is indeed a most excellent thing against the Gripings of the Guts.

XVII. The Acid Tincture. This is yet a more excellent Stomatick than the former, where there is a lassitude or weakness of the Stomach, and the Tone thereof seems to be depraved or undone, and the Acidities thereof so diminished, as that the Patient wants an Appetite, and cannot at all digest their Food, but that it comes up again undigested, with Vomitings, manifold Reachings, and vehement Sickness thereof being taken in Red or White Port Wine, or in a generous Canary, to a pleasing Acidity _·, it restores the Tone of the Stomach, and kills Worms in the Body.

XVIII. The Oily Tincture. If it is daily taken, viz. Morning and Night, in any generous Vehicle, from twenty drops to forty, it cures the Colick, and Griping of the Guts, and mightily stirs up Venery. It prevails also against the bitings of Serpents, especially of that called Amphisbena, the place bitten being also anointed therewith. And as it is comfortable to the Stomach and Bowels, by its healing and drying property, and prevails against a Paralysis, or Pal fie, so also it is eminently good against that Disease by anointing the whole length of the Back-bone therewith, as also the parts affected, twice a day before a fire, and rubbing it very well in for a long time : And by outward application in like manner, it prevails against Cramps, Convulsions, Gouts, and the Sciatica, and all cold and moist Diseases happening in what part of the Body soever.

XIX. The Saline Tincture. It opens Obstructions of the Reins, Ureters, and Bladder, provokes Urine, and causes an Evacuation of Sand, Gravel, and Tartarous Matter out of those parts. Dose to on* dram, or more, in a Glass of generous White Port

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XX. The Spirit. It is very comfortable to the Stomach, and exceeding Cordial _·, by heating and refreshing of it, and taking away the cold and moist Temperature thereof, which is the ground and foundation of Catarrhs and Rheumatisms it helps Digestion, represses the Vapors, which ascend thence up into the Head, and forcibly refills the Tortures of the Colick, proceeding from Cold, Wind, and the like : and being moderately used, it stirs up Venery by an encrease of Blood and Seed, and by a gentle warming, and, as it were, vivifying the same. Dele one spoonful, or more, in the Morning fasting, a little afore Dinner, and at Bed time, either alone, or in a Glass of Canary.

XXI. The Oil by Distillation. Being taken inwardly from ren to sixteen or twenty drops, and in some very cold and moist Constitutions to thirty or forty drops _·, first dropt into, and mixt well with White Sugar, and then mixed well with a glass of Wine, and so taken, it is a famous thing against the Palsie, Cramps and Convulsions, whether in Old or Young, and the Gout in the Stomach s anointing all those parts which are affected with those Diseases, outwardly, Morning and Night, and rubbing or chafing it well in. It effectually opens the Urinary Passages, and powerfully stirs up to Coition, by encreasing Seed, making it Spirituous, and strengthening the parts of Generation.

XXII. An Observation. The Arabian Physicians, and others of the Ancients, tell us how we should correct Coriander Seed before we use it, viz. by steeping it all Night in Vinegar, and then drying it again, thereby to take away (as they think) its Venene Qualities. But this Lobel seems to despise, and that truly with very good reason, because no such thing can be extracted from it; for after it is ripe, if it is suffered to dry of it self, or in the Sun, all those pretended Obnoxious Qualities will vanish away of their own accord _·, nor needs it any other Preparation when it is made into Comfits, and is ib far from being hurtful to the Stomach, and Bowels ( as some Authors have affirmed ) that on the contrary, it has been found by great Experience to be an excellent Stomatick, exceeding many others: and this even Country People have found by the use of it, without any Preparation at all: for being only Dry, it has a warming Faculty, and a Sweet, and no Noisome Smell or Taste, that being contained only in its Humidities whilst it is Green, and not in the Seed when only dried.

Botanologia, or The English Herbal, was written by William Salmon, M.D., in 1710.