Gerardia pedicularia.

Botanical name: 

Dose.—Of an infusion of an ounce to a pint of boiling water, two to three ounces.

Therapeutic Action.—The plant is said to be an important diaphoretic and febrifuge. Dr. Waun, of Alabama, acquired some knowledge of its efficacy as a remedy in domestic practice, and was induced to communicate the results of his inquiries respecting the Gerardia to the Eclectic Medical Institute, in order to secure a full trial of its virtues. He states that upon the supervention of a febrile attack, the free use of this article occasioned free perspiration, and effectually arrested the fever. It has been employed to a limited extent by Eclectic practitioners as a diaphoretic and febrifuge, and bids fair to answer a valuable purpose as a remedial agent. The plant deserves further investigation.

The American Eclectic Materia Medica and Therapeutics, 1898, was written by John M. Scudder, M.D.