
Botanical name: 

The plant Mellilotus alba.—Europe.

Preparation.—A tincture is prepared from the fresh leaves and flowers.

Dose.—From the fraction of a drop to five drops.

Therapeutic Action.—It has given excellent results in the treatment of neuralgia, especially when associated with debility. It has cured cases of many years' standing. A strong indication for its use is a marked soreness and lameness, which follows the attacks of pain. It may be administered in colic, painful diarrhcea, dysuria with painful desire to urinate, in dysmenorrhea associated with lameness in the hip, and along the course of the sciatic nerve, and in some cases of rheumatism where such lameness is a marked feature.

The American Eclectic Materia Medica and Therapeutics, 1898, was written by John M. Scudder, M.D.