
Botanical name: 

The root of Stillingia sylvatica.

Preparations.—Tincture of Stillingia. Oil of Stillingia.

Dose.—The dose of the tincture will vary from gtt. j. to ʒss. Of the oil, the fraction of a drop.

Therapeutic Action.—Stillingia is alterative, and in large doses emetic and cathartic; it is employed exclusively for its alterative properties. It has been extensively used by Eclectic physicians during the last forty years, and we hear but one report of its action; and that is, it is one of the most efficient of the vegetable alteratives.

It is evident that it increases the action of the skin, as we find that under its influence this tissue regains its tone, and the secretion is free and constant; we are also convinced that it increases the secretions of the kidneys and bowels in a marked manner.

The Stillingia, either alone or in combination with other alteratives, has been employed successfully by hundreds of physicians in the treatment of scrofulous disease in all its forms. It, like all the more efficient agents of its class, does not, in a majority of cases, produce immediate results; it has to be continued for weeks, or sometimes, though rarely, months.

In secondary and tertiary syphilis it is considered by many of our best practitioners to be one of the most efficient agents in the materia medica for the eradication of the disease.

It possesses valuable pectoral and expectorant properties. Professor Morrow used it in the incipient stapes of phthisis, complicated with strumous habit, in chronic bronchitis, chronic laryngitis, and especially in that hoarseness and chronic laryngeal affection to which public speakers are liable. In the last-named affection he regarded it as almost a specific, a small piece of the root being masticated from time to time through the day, and swallowed. He reported that in these affections it invariably afforded more relief than any other agent he had ever administered, and others corroborate this statement.

The fresh root of the Stillingia should always be employed, as it deteriorates greatly by age.

We have employed the oil of Stillingia with great advantage, in chronic laryngitis and bronchitis, and for the cure of cough, when arising from irritation of the air-passages or lungs. We use it in doses of one drop, given on sugar, letting it slowly dissolve in the mouth, and swallowing without water.

Tinctura Oleum Stillingia Compositus.—Rx Oil of Stillingia, Oil of Lobelia, aa., ʒij., Oil of Cajeput, ʒj., Alcohol ℥iij.; mix. This, sometimes called the compound Stillingia liniment, is the most efficient remedy for the cure of long standing and obstinate coughs arising from irritation of the respiratory passages, which we know of. For this purpose we direct from one to two drops upon a lump of sugar, two or three times daily, and if there is any affection of the larynx, that it be freely applied to the throat. It is also an efficient remedy in the first stages of croup; give to a child two years old, one-half to one drop upon a lump of sugar, every hour or two, or oftener if necessary. It is also one of the best applications to the throat in croup; in spasmodic and mucous croup it frequently proves sufficient of itself to control the dissease.

The American Eclectic Materia Medica and Therapeutics, 1898, was written by John M. Scudder, M.D.