Artemesia santonica. (Wormseed)

We only wish to consider the crystallizable principle—Santonine—here. Its principal use has been as a vermifuge in cases of ascaris lumbricoides, for which it has been found quite efficient. But in using it for this purpose many have noticed that it exerted a peculiar influence upon the brain, and upon the eyes—rendering objects blue, yellow, or green; and that it passed off in the urine, giving it a peculiar color.

It exerts a specific action upon the bladder and urethra, stimulating contraction of the first, and allaying irritation of the second. It is especially valuable in cases of retention of the urine in children during protracted disease; in doses of half to one grain, it is prompt and certain. I have also employed it to relieve irritation of the urethra, especially in women suffering from uterine disease, and with good success.

Its influence upon the nervous system needs to be studied. I judge it to be a nerve stimulant, and have employed it for this purpose to a limited extent.

Specific Medication and Specific Medicines, 1870, was written by John M. Scudder, M.D.