Phlegmonous Enteritis.

Suppurative inflammation of the submucous layer of the intestines is a very rare disease, and can seldom be diagnosed during life. It is seen in connection with strangulated hernia, intussusception, and obstruction of the bowel. The symptoms resemble those of peritonitis, there being abdominal distention, marked tenderness on pressure, intense tenesmus, and violent attacks of vomiting, which may become stercoraceous.

Rigors may occur, and the prostration is rapid and extreme. The temperature is high, 104° or 105°, the pulse small and wiry, and the tongue dry and red. Typhoid symptoms are now marked, and the patient passes from the stage of prostration to one of collapse or death.

Diagnosis.—This is made post-mortem.

Treatment.—It will be palliative, relieving the patient's suffering as far as possible. In operative cases a surgeon should be called, and this followed by supportive measures.

The Eclectic Practice of Medicine, 1907, was written by Rolla L. Thomas, M. S., M. D.