
Botanical name: 

Cotula. U. S. 1870. Mayweed. Wild Chamomile. Dog Chamomile. Camomille puante, Maroute, Herbe de camomille puante, Herbe de maroute, Fr. Hunds-Kamille, Hunds-Kamillenkraut, Stinkende Kamille, G. Camomilla fetida, Cotula, It. Manzanilla loca, Sp. Herba Chamomillae Foetidae. Anthemis Cotula L.—Mayweed is an annual composite plant, which grows abundantly both in the United States and in Europe. In this country it is found in the vicinity of inhabited places, growing among rubbish, along the sides of roads, and in waste grounds. W. H. Warner found in the flowers volatile oil, oxalic, valeric, and tannic acids, coloring matter, acrid fatty matter, bitter extractive, and salts of potassium, calcium, magnesium, and iron. (A. J. P., 1858, 390.) Pattone (1859) claimed to have found an alkaloid, anthemidine, and a crystallizable bitter acid, anthemidic acid, but his results have not been confirmed. The whole plant has a strong, disagreeable odor, and a warm, bitter taste, and imparts these properties to water.

The medicinal properties of this species of Anthemis are essentially the same as those of chamomile, for which it may be substituted, but its disagreeable odor is an obstacle to its general use. On the continent of Europe it has been given in hysteria as an antispasmodic. It has also been thought to be emmenagogue. It is said to have the property of vesicating, if applied to the surface fresh and bruised. The whole plant is active, but the flowers, being less disagreeable than the leaves, are preferred for internal use. The remedy is best administered in the state of infusion.

The Dispensatory of the United States of America, 1918, was edited by Joseph P. Remington, Horatio C. Wood and others.