Myrtus. Myrtus communis. Myrtle.

Botanical name: 

Myrtus. Myrtus communis L. Myrtle. (Fam. Myrtaceae.)—From the leaves of this plant is distilled a volatile oil which, under the name of myrtol is employed in medicine. This oil contains pinene, cineol and a characteristic alcohol, myrtenol. The mixture usually known as myrtol is collected between 160° and 180° C. (320°-356° F.). Myrtol has been recommended as an antiseptic and a powerful stimulant to the pulmonic and genito-urinary mucous membranes, and useful in chronic bronchitis, cystitis, or pyelitis. Dose, from one to two minims (0.06-0.13 mil), given in capsules, from four to eight times a day. A. de Vevey (R. T., lxiii, 1896) has used the 10 per cent. solution in sterilized olive oil hypodermically in doses of eighty to one hundred and sixty minims (5-10 mils) once or twice in twenty-four hours.

The Dispensatory of the United States of America, 1918, was edited by Joseph P. Remington, Horatio C. Wood and others.