Hayne 1805-1837.

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On archive.org, you'll find the first edition, Getreue Darstellung und Beschreibung der in der Arzneykunde gebräuchlichen Gewächse, wie auch solcher, welche mit ihnen verwechselt werden können von Friedrich Gottlob Hayne: vol. 1, 1805, vol. 2, 1809, vol. 3, 1813, vol. 4, 1816, vol. 5, 1817, vol. 6, 1819, vol. 7, 1821, vol. 8, 1822, vol. 9, 1825, vol. 10, 1827, vol. 11, 1830, vol. 12, 1833, vol. 13, 1837.

as well as the second edition, Darstellung und Beschreibung der Arzneigewächse wie auch solcher Pflanzen welche mit ihnen verwechselt werden können (with prettier coloring on the plates): vol. 1, 1853, vol. 2, 1854, vol. 3, 1854, vol. 4, 1854, vol. 5, 1855, vol. 6, 1855, vol. 7, 1855, vol. 8, 1856, vol. 7, 1855, vol. 8, 1856, vol. 10, 1856, vol 9, 1856, vol. 11, 1856, vol. 12, 1856, vol. 13, 1856.

This work was published as 13 books of 48 plants each. The last two volumes of the first edition (and of course the full run of the 2nd edition) were published after Hayne's death.

The plant illustrations. Most of these images are by Friedrich Guimpel and Peter Haas.
The text. G. F. Hayne wrote volumes 1-11. After his death in 1832, volumes 12-13 were edited by J.F. Brandt and J.T. Ratzeburg.

A mixed set of these books (that is, some first and some second edition volumes) is found at the digital collection of the Universität Düsseldorf. The Düsseldorf set is not quite complete; a few plants and plates are missing.
The volumes are of course also found on googlebooks, but (as is normal with googlebooks) the images are butchered (so what's the point of even having the books on there?) and the text is unreadable, if compared to the finer archive.org book sets, or even to the Düsseldorf set.

Getreue Darstellung und Beschreibung der in der Arzneykunde gebräuchlichen Gewächse. Gottlob Friedrich Hayne, 1805-1837.