

Date: Thu, 10 Nov 1994 00:59:19 -0700
Sender: Medicinal and Aromatic Plants discussion list <HERB.TREARN.BITNET>
From: Mitchell Bebel Stargrove <mitch.TELEPORT.COM>
Subject: Re: SHINGLES -Reply

>: Does anyone know of an herbal treatment for the onset and/or maintenance due to the pain of shingles?
>I'm very sorry to hear about this, I know it is QUITE painful. The best thing is medicine - acyclovire, maybe spelled wrong, it stops it immediately from progressing.

The stuff is very hard on the body

homeopathy can be curative and quick

hypericum tincture in drop doses can heal, soothe and nourish the nerves

a see a lot of people who have tried the acyclovir and then come for natural medicine don't throw out it out so fast

From: Howie Brounstein <HOWIEB.DELPHI.COM>

Have to agree with Mitch........St John's Wort tincture and alternatives first unless it's life-threatening. Research Hypericum (SJW) and you'll see it's a perfect choice for shingles.

Howie Brounstein