Dark circles.
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.herbs
From: cleek.terra.nlnet.nf.ca (CB Leek)
Date: 03 Dec 1995 15:18:35 GMT
Subject: Re: dark circles and lines under eyes????
>Does anyone know of a remedy for the dark circles and the extra lines below eyes? Lately I have acquired both of these and I know of no reason - 5 hours of sleep and a good diet - as well as exercise (walking 30 min) each day.
Only 5 hours of sleep?? Why not try 6, 7 or even 8 hours and see what happens? It would be a simple experiment that would be inexpensive. <g>
From: dl.bellcore.com (Daniel Liebster)
> Does anyone know of a remedy for the dark circles and the extra lines below eyes? Lately I have acquired both of these and I know of no reason - 5 hours of sleep and a good diet
I wouldn't consider 5 hours of sleep a full night. The human body has for thousands of years been used to 8-10 hours of dark rest a night. I don't believe that a few generations of Edisons bulbs will change our needs in this area
From: rastapoo.mailhost.winnet.net (Rastapoodle)
>Does anyone know of a remedy for the dark circles and the extra lines below eyes?
Once when I went on a crash diet I suddenly developed dark circles under my eyes. I took one Source of Life vitamin (a full dosage is three a day), and within two hours, the dark circles disappeared.
When the circles appeared again after a car accident (I wasn't sleeping well), the vitamins worked again.
Yet again, when I went strictly vegetarian, the vitamins worked. A nutritionist said that frequently, a B-vitamin deficiency can cause dark circles.
I understand that kidney problems and also the build up of toxins can cause dark circles. I remember my ex-husband came down with diabetes, didn't go for treatment until he was hospitalized, and after less than a week of treatment, the dark circles under his eyes disappeared.
Try the vitamins first, it's an easy and cheap way to see if you have a B-vitamin deficiency.
For the fine lines, try any good (8% or stronger) glycolic acid cream -- it does wonders in removing fine lines.
From: hal_acup.netvision.net.il
Dark circles under or around your eyes are usually due to lack of sleep only if these circles vanish after you complete your missing sleep hours. In case they don't the reason is either of two:
A. A congenital problem.
B. An accuired problem of internal nature such as kidneys (if they are black) heart (if they are red-purpish), or liver (if they are green-bluish). Still, if you do not have any other symptoms or signs there is no need for alarm, just make sure you have a thorough examination of your organs' functioning.
Hi Pamona
From: phall.primenet.com (Peggy Hall)
: Dark circles under or around your eyes are usually due to
This can also be a sign of a Vitamin C deficiency.
From: "Lori M. Holder-Webb" <lholder.lonestar.jpl.utsa.e
> Many people, including myself and two children (ages 9 & 11) have what allergists call "allergic shiners". For some reason, people with allergies, especially early-on, have this. People say, "oh, you look tired, or what time do your kids get to bed?" Sorry, nothing helps but makeup. Maybe if there were a cure for allergies?
Boy, you sure said it!!! Come cedar season (December through March in South Texas), I get those nasty allergic shiners. Putting makeup on mine seems to just make them look worse. I haven't found anything that doesn't act as a highlighter.
I get plenty of sleep, eat well, and take vitamin supplements. Nothing seems to help but April.
From: Ricky Collins <rcollins.premier.net>
Another major cause of dark circles under the eyes is a water-logged kidney, especially if you drink alot of sodas.