Garlic for sore throats.

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Date: Sat, 10 Jun 1995 10:44:11 -0800
To: Medicinal and Aromatic Plants discussion list <HERB.TREARNPC.EGE.EDU.TR>
From: Anita F Hales <JSAFH.ACA.ALASKA.EDU>
Subject: Garlic for ear, nose and throat

> Have a care. Garlic and ginger are both very Hot, and will not be good for anyone who is Hot in general, or is suffering from a Hot condition, like a cold with very sore throat.

I must defend the use of garlic for sore throats and other such afflictions. I suffered with chronic ear, nose and throat problems most of my youth. I ended up allergic to some anti-biotics and others just don't work at all. I have used garlic for sore throats and sinus infections on numerous occasions. Someone on the list said not to use garlic because it was hot and sore throats are a hot condition. Either this doesn't hold or sore throats are not a hot condition, I think the latter for most sore throats. There is nothing faster and more effective than garlic for a cold induced sore throat or for a throat infection. It also clears the ears and sinuses. It is antibiotic, antifungal and suitable fora wide variety of infectious problems.

It can prevent as well as cure. I use a garlic elixer I make with garlic, rose hips, juniper and parsley. If anyone wants the recipe, I'll be happy to supply. It is quickly absorbed and effective. I have found that the unpleasant odor associated with eating fresh galic is effectively eliminated by eating parsley.

Garlic, ginger, yarrow, boneset, peppermint, hyssop and cloves are my several favorite herbs for colds and flu. They knock it out quickly while everyone else in town is still sick. I don't know much about the chinese hot and cold theories bu t I'm learning. I do know what works for me and my family and friends.

From: Paul Bergner <bergner.TELEPORT.COM>

In answer to the question about garlic being too hot for a "hot" condition:

Garlic is heating and drying. It is an excellent remedy for hot conditions that are also damp, moist, and congested, such as sinus infection, dysentery, bronchitis with congestion, high cholesterol, etc. it should be discontinued promptly once the congestion is cleared however. Its drying properties are predominant, and it is contraindicated even in cold conditions if dryness and dehydration are part of the picture.

Paul Bergner

From: Paul Iannone <p_iannone.POP.COM>

: I suffered with chronic ear, nose and throat problems most of my youth.

Chronic complaints of that sort are Cold and Damp by definition. Garlic is excellent for both. You as an individual probably never get Wind-Heat colds. Most colds that start with sore throat, however, as the primary complaint (you wake up with a sore throat, for instance) should NOT be treated with garlic--they are Hot in nature. Peppermint tea is the ticket, in absence of other herbals.

Sore throats develop when Wind attacks the nose and throat. Wind brings a stuffy sense (the Wind blocking the orifices), an itchy, tingling feeling (the Wind moving in the confines of the nose and throat), and a sense of dizziness, distance, confusion--'spaciness' (Wind's blowing destabilizing the sense organs). But in addition, Wind carries other Pathogens, classed as relatively Hot or relatively Cold.

Many substances drive out a PART of the Pathogens present, leaving behind a trace of the others. Thus, Wind-relieving herbals, whether Hot or Cold, will resolve the symptoms of a cold--for a while. Pseudoephedrine is an extreme example of such an 'herbal,' and it is very Hot. It can be, and is, commonly used for Hot colds, which it relieves (though there is risk of bleeding due to Fire), but it leaves behind a brewing Heat that can easily make sinus conditions chronic, and which can damage the Lungs. In the same way, but to less of a degree, garlic, which is Warm and Pungent, can leave behind Heat while Pungently driving off the Wind.

That is the traditional counter to the folk medicine approach of the panacea. Yin/Yang theory suggests that NOTHING is good for everyone.

--Paul ||

From: Alethea Raspa <alethea.COUGAR.MULTILINE.COM.AU>

> I use a garlic elixer I make with garlic, rose hips, juniper and parsley.

I would be interested in your garlic elixer. I have something similar I make with a dozen cloves of garlic, two carrots and 500ml live yoghurt which seems to work well, but does have an afterburn (no kissing until the other half has had some too ;-) ). If the version with parsely has no 'afterburn' I would be interested.

From: Anita F Hales <JSAFH.ACA.ALASKA.EDU>
Subject: Garlic elixer

For those who have asked for it, here's the recipe for Garlic elixer. I must give credit to Ella Birzneck of Dominion Herbal college.

Peel and finely chop 1 cup fresh garlic, chop up 12 whole rose hips, place in 2 qt jar with a lid. Add 12 whole juniper berries or powdered equivalent, 6 whole cloves and 1 quart gin and ½ cup unpasteurized honey. Screw on the lid tightly and place in the sun for 3 hours (if possible shine ultra-violet light on it for 30 min). Shake jar and place in cool dark place for 7 days. Do not open jar in this time.

On the 7th day, extract 2 Tbsp fresh parsley juice and add to elixer. Shake and let sit for one more day. Strain through filter paper and bottle and cork. Label and it's ready.

Dose is 1 tsp in 1 oz cold water 3 times daily before meals. Dose can be slightly increased or decreased as case indicates.

It can also be made without alcohol using 2 cups honey, 2 cups water, boil and add ingredients. Cool and follow above instructions. This one must be refrigerated and will not keep as well.

This is recommended by Mrs. Birzneck for rheumatism and arthritis while on a cleansing routine as well as colds and flu. You may find that this is not as drying as fresh garlic.

Hope this will help.