
Newsgroup: alt.folklore.herbs
From: beomail.onramp.net (Xenophon)
Date: 11 Jan 1996 23:01:37 -06
Subject: Re: Bursitis

> I have Bursitis right foot - brought on by wearing heavy mountain climbing boots -- walking in NYC on concrete in the snow and ice and carrying tons of stuff -- any suggestions -- swimming daily and rest relieves the pain --

I developed bursitis in my right ankle last fall. In my research on the subject, I discovered diet has a lot to do with it. Some suggestions from a book I have:
- Avoid acid-forming foods - caffeine, salt, refined foods, red meat
- Keep body alkaline with celery, avocados, potatoes, wheat germ, sweet fruit, sprouts, greens, brewer's yeast, oats and sea vegetables
- Keep kidneys flushed and healthy - carrot, cucumber juice
- Add organic calcium to diet - salmon, sea food, dark greens, broccoli, potatoes

From: livelong.sedona.net (Debra Russell)

>I developed bursitis in my right ankle last fall. In my research on the

All these suggestions are great and I have one more to add. Drink water. 8 8oz glasses a day, miminum. This is crucial to keeping the kidney flushed and working properly.

From: vhlushak.awinc.com (Vic Hlushak)

I get great results drinking ginger tea every day. I have had bursitis since I was young and I really notice if I miss a day or two. Works great! give it a try.