
To: <
Subject: lavender
From: Chris
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 96 13:57:36 EST

Lavender libation
1 bottle of medium white wine
3 T. lavender flowers
1 T. granulated sugar
½ glass brandy (don't ask the size glass - I don't know)

Steep flowers in wine for 24 hours. Make a syrup by simmering the sugar with 6 T. of water for 10 minutes. When it is cool, add to the wine along with the brandy. Serve cold.

From: Mindy Vinqvist

Source of wisdom:
The Complete Book of Herbs ISBN 1-85967-011-3

Lavender Cookies

⅝ c butter
½ c sugar
1 beaten egg
1 tbsp dried lavender flowers
1 ½ c self-raising flour

Cream butter and sugar together, stir in the egg. Mix in lavender flowers and the flour. Grease two baking sheets and drop spoonfuls of the mixture on them. Bake 15-20 min in a pre-heated 350F oven, until golden. Use fresh lavender leaves and flowers to decorate whatever you serve the cookies in.

Herbal Bath Bag

3 - 9" diameter circles of muslin
3 small rubber bands
6 tbsp bran
1 tbsp lavender flowers
1 tbsp chamomile flowers
1 tbsp rosemary tips

Place 2 tbsp bran in center of each muslin circle. Sprinkle lavender in center of one, chamomile in second and rosemary in third. Gather each into a pouch shape and close off with rubber band. Use ribbon to suspend bag into the stream of water from your bathtub tap (though you could probably also suspend the bag in the tub too after drawing your bath).

Lavender Bubble Bath

1 bunch lavender
clean wide neck jar with screw lid
1 bottle clear organic shampoo
5 drops lavender oil

Place bunch of lavender flower part down in the jar (trim stems if you need to to close lid). Add shampoo and lavender oil. Close jar and place on sunny window sill for 2-3 weeks, shaking occasionally. Strain and re-bottle - use about 1 tbsp/bath.

From: (Dorothy McLeod)

I use LAVENDER a lot in cooking. Just a pinch in stewed rhubarb is wonderful.

I also have a good recipe for LAVENDER ICE-CREAM if anyone is interested.

I put it in a "herbes de provence" bouquet garni mixture -- especially when winter is getting too long.

In Morocco, they add it to a herb and spice mixture called "ras el hanout" to flavor stews.

Finally, I often make LAVENDER SUGAR -- just bury the flower stems in sugar and use the sugar for baking or sprinkle it on yogurt or sugar cookies or strawberries.

ENGLISH LAVENDER survives winters here even tho' it looks dead until well into June.

From: Chris

Love Bath

7 c. of lavender,
6 c. of rosemary,
5 c. rose petals
4 c. of lovage,
3 c. verbena leaves,
1 c. each marjoram, thyme, mint and orris powder.

Mix. Put ¼ c. of mixture in muslin bag. Boil the bag in 1 quart of water for 10 minutes.
Add to bath water.


Here is the Lavender Punch recipe that is very popular with classes, parties, teas etc.

Lavender Punch

In a covered sauce pan heat to boiling:

6' (total) cinnamon stick
1 T whole cloves
Simmer 5 minutes
Remove from heat and add
6 T lavender
2 thin slices of fresh ginger
Allow to stand 0 to 15 minutes
Strain and throw used herbs in the compost pile
Stir in
6 oz frozen lineade (you can use lemonade if necessary)
2 c grape juice
1 lime thinly sliced
Just before serving retrieve old lime slices add new ones and add 1 liter ginger ale.

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