Lavender as incense.
Date: Sun, 14 Jan 1996 10:08:10 -0800
From: Colette Gardiner <coletteg.EFN.ORG>
Subject: Re: Lavender As An Aromatic
> I have dried out lavender from my garden and wanted to burn it and use it as herbal bath.
Although I have made many lovely incense mixes that smelled wonderful dry and awful burned as incense, Lavender is a very nice herb to burn, has a great fragrance, slightly similar to sweet grass at the outset and finishing with a heartier but still pleasant scent.
From: Howie Brounstein <howieb.TELEPORT.COM>
>I have dried out lavender from my garden and wanted to burn it and use it as herbal bath.
You may want to burn some lavender and smell it before you use it for burning purposes. Plants and oils that smell good whole do not always smell the same when burned. I had a student who forget to test their essential oils in this way, and made a whole bunch of inscense that smelled great when unlit, but not so great when burned. Well, I was the student, actually.
Thats how we learn.