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Gems from the past.
Translated snippets from an old Finnish text.
I'm scanning an old text by, lemmesee, Cantell and Saarnio, called "Suomen myrkylliset ja lääkekasvit" - Toxic and medicinal plants of Finland. From 1936.
It's filled with past snippets of wisdom. On lots of plants. Some of which I'll translate for y'all'n.
Like this one:
Myosotis scorpioides, suolemmikki:
"... on erästä kuraren tavoin vaikuttavaa alkaloidia. Sen kukkia on kansanlääkinnöissä käytetty muserrettuina punaisten, vuotavain silmäin lääkkeeksi."
"... contains an alkaloid which works like curare. Its flowers have in folk use been crushed and used as medicine on red, leaking eyes."
More to follow.
Oh, and Happy New Year to one and all!