Cancer Remedies (so-called).

Selected writings of John King:

CANCER REMEDIES (so-called).—Take extract of arrowwood (viburnum dentatum), extract of marygold flowers and leaves, extract of red clover (trifolium pratense), and extract of wild indigo, leaves and bark of root, of each equal parts; mix thoroughly together and form a plaster, which apply on linen to the ulcer, cleansing it daily. Internally, use the following: Take of salt of tartar, one ounce; cream of tartar, four ounces; water, two quarts; mix and dissolve the salts: the dose is a wineglassful, three times a day. This solution alone is said to have removed a scirrhous tumor in six weeks.

To an aqueous extract of recent sassafras bark add a few drops of nitric acid, until a froth or foam is formed; spread this on a piece of lint, and apply twice a day. Previous to each application, wash with a mixture of equal parts of brandy and honey. This will not act on the healthy tissue, but only on the cancer, and when this is destroyed, heal the ulcer with sweet oil, one pint; beeswax, one ounce; melt together and when nearly cold add nitric acid, half an ounce. Apply this once or twice a day, at the same time using the wash of honey and brandy between dressings.

Take of marygold flowers and leaves, red clover flowers and leaves, bloodroot, digitalis leaves, of each, recent and coarsely powdered, half an ounce; carbolic acid, four ounces; glycerine, eight ounces; mix the articles together, and allow them to stand fourteen days. Apply some of this to the cancer every day, on some lint. Also said to be useful in lupus and other cutaneous, diseases.

Take of finely-powdered hardwood root, two ounces; belladonna ointment, two ounces; mix thoroughly together, and then add of finely powdered arsenite of copper, from fifteen to sixty grains. The quantity of copper salt to be added will depend upon the sensibility of the patient, as no pain must be caused by the application; the quantity must also be regulated by the extent of surface of the cancerous ulcer. A portion of this ointment spread upon cotton batting is to be applied to the ulcer, changing it daily. In some cases, as much as one ounce of the arsenite may be added with advantage.

At some future time I may add to this list still a few more so-called remedies for cancer—JOHN KING, M. D., Eclectic Medical Journal, 1865.

The Biographies of King, Howe, and Scudder, 1912, was written by Harvey Wickes Felter, M. D.