Jus Bovinum, B.P.C. Beef Tea.

Botanical name: 

Format explanation

Synonym.—Jus Bovillum.

Related entry: Beef juice

Beef, fresh and free from fat 80.00 | 16 ounces
Sodium Chloride 0.50 | 44 grains
Water 100.00 | 20 fl. ounces

Finely chop, mince, or pound the lean beef with the salt, add the water, mix thoroughly, and set the mixture aside for ten minutes. Then heat the mixture on a water-bath, the water in which is heated to boiling-point, stirring the mixture and squeezing the meat at intervals, until the liquid has become brown and the odour of raw meat is no longer perceptible. Finally, stir the mixture vigorously, decant the liquid quickly, cool, and remove any fat from the surface by skimming.

Beef tea, prepared as described, contains nutritious flocks, which should be distributed evenly by stirring, when the liquid is warmed for use.

The British Pharmaceutical Codex, 1911, was published by direction of the Council of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain.