Cannabinonum. Cannabinone.

Botanical name: 

Synonyms.—Cannabis Resin; Hemp Resin.

Cannabinone is a purified resin obtained from Indian hemp. It is prepared by treating an alcoholic extract of Indian hemp with caustic alkali. The residue ("pure hashish") is said to consist essentially of a mixture of a soft resin and a tetanising principle. On removing the latter by means of tannic acid, cannabinone is obtained. It occurs in the form of a soft, brown, neutral resin of treacle-like consistence, with a disagreeable taste and a tendency to become inert on exposure to air, its loss of activity being apparently due to oxidation.

Insoluble in water; soluble in alcohol, ether, chloroform, benzene, or in fixed and volatile oils.

Action and Uses.—Cannabinone is used as a hypnotic in hysteria and insomnia. Its action is more certain than that of cannabine tannate, though it also is occasionally inactive; large doses may cause excitement. It is administered in the form of a trituration, 1 in 10; with milk sugar, which may be enclosed in cachets, or made into pills with glycerin of tragacanth.

Dose.—15 to (60 milligrams (1/4 to 1 grain).

The British Pharmaceutical Codex, 1911, was published by direction of the Council of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain.