Cassiae Flores. Cassia Buds.

Related entries: Cassia bark - Cinnamon bark - Canella bark - Camphor - Oliver bark

Cassia buds are the immature fruits of one or more species of Cinnamomum (N.O. Laurineae), possibly C. Cassia, Blume, and C. Loureirii, Nees. The trees are native to Cochin China, and are grown in South China, the so-called buds being shipped from Canton. The buds are club-shaped and somewhat resemble cloves in appearance. They are hard, brown or greyish, woody, and wrinkled. Each consists of a stalk supporting a cup-shaped calyx tube, the margin of which bears the remains of six calyx teeth and is curved inwards enclosing a flattened ovary. Cassia buds are about 6 to 10 millimetres in length and about 5 millimetres in diameter at their widest point. The drug has an odour and taste resembling that of cinnamon.

Constituents.—The chief constituent of the fruits is about 1.6 per cent. of volatile oil, consisting principally of cinnamic aldehyde.

Action and Uses.—Cassia buds are employed as a spice and for the same purposes as cinnamon.

The British Pharmaceutical Codex, 1911, was published by direction of the Council of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain.