Duboisinae Sulphas. Duboisine Sulphate.

Botanical name: 


Duboisine sulphate is a mixture of alkaloidal sulphates obtained from Duboisia myoporoides, R. Br. (N.O. Solanaceae), and consists chiefly of hyoscyamine and hyoscine. It occurs as a very hygroscopic, amorphous, yellowish-white powder, or in granules.

Soluble in water or alcohol.

Action and Uses.—Duboisine sulphate is a sedative, hypnotic, and mydriatic of variable strength. Its principal use is in ophthalmology; as a mydriatic it is much more powerful than atropine, and is applied as "drops" (0.2 to 0.5 per cent.).

Dose.—¼ to 1 milligram (1/240 to 1/64 grain).


Guttae Duboisinae, B.P.C.—DUBOISINE EYE DROPS 0.25 per cent
Lamellae Duboisinae, B.P.C.—DUBOISINE EYE DISCS.
Each disc weighs about 1/50 grain and contains 1/5000 grain of duboisine sulphate.

The British Pharmaceutical Codex, 1911, was published by direction of the Council of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain.