We beg leave to inform you, that we have begun, in periodical form, a work devoted exclusively to American Drugs and Medicines, such as, in its comprehensiveness, has never been attempted before. In the early part of this century, Prof. P. C. Barton published a book on American Medicinal Plants, now long out of print and out of market; but at this day there is due the professions of Medicine and Pharmacy, a compendium that shall represent exhaustively all known researches in this important field.
No practical student in either of these departments is likely to underestimate the importance or magnitude of the undertaking. In the ten years we have now given to special preparation for it, collecting publications and. specimens, we have been not more impressed with the great need of such a work, than with the difficulties which beset its successful accomplishment. During this time we have ransacked the market for old American medical works and journals, and the early pamphlets and books on the Botany of the country, and only now have we completed a library which, in our estimation, will admit of a satisfactory review of the literature on this subject. And by a similar course, long and energetic, have we secured an herbarium, complete in both American and Foreign plants, enabling us to give, not only the most concise descriptions from natural specimens, but also well-drawn examples in comparative Botany.
With these collections at our sole command; with the aid afforded by long-established friendly relations with the foremost physicians of all schools of medicine, and with our pharmacists; with long experience as collectors of indigenous drugs, and in the practical work of the laboratory — we venture to believe that we are not altogether unprepared to begin the work here announced. In addition to all these resources, many of the most eminent specialists in both professions have positively engaged to give us regular assistance.
It will be neither a Medical nor a Pharmaceutical journal; but a serial devoted exclusively to the subject indicated in the title. All these journals will welcome it as an ally.
In considering the history of our native plants, we shall endeavor to give credit, irrespective of persons or prejudices; and shall search the literature of all schools of medicine, regardless of any antagonism among them. In other words, we shall consider the Medical and Pharmaceutical professions as two great bodies laboring for a common purpose.
The illustrations will be very numerous, and of the most perfect description. Original engravings, natural size, from photographed specimens, will be usually employed. But we shall also reproduce rare and valuable plates from the highest authorities of the past, which, now out of print, are to be found in but few libraries. Our engravings will particularly represent those drugs which are legitimately used in medicine; and, contrasted with these authentic specimens, will appear accurate. engravings of those specimens which are used in their sophistication.
Every American medicinal plant of importance will be illustrated with a full page engraving, of which the accompanying Clematis virginiana is a sample specimen.
We begin with the First Natural Order of the Ranunculaceae, and will consider each plant in its natural sequence.
It has been decided to issue as a quarterly; and to subscribers only, printing but few copies more than enough to supply them. It will be best, therefore, for those who desire the complete work, to subscribe from the beginning.
The size of the page, and the type employed, will appear from this Prospectus, which is framed to show both; and the title we give here in full. Each number will contain 32 pages of this size, printed on the best of book paper, and in the most careful manner. The first number will be issued not later than April, 1884. Price, $1.00 a year; 30c. a number.
We trust that, as a member of these honorable professions, you will feel a warm interest in the success of this important work, begun after such laborious preparation. May we not ask for it your most thoughtful consideration, and your assistance in bringing it before your professional friends? Hoping to number you among our subscribers, we remain,
Respectfully, J. U. & C. G. LLOYD.
WE take the liberty to present in the following manner some of the words of endorsement extended to us by men who it is unnecessary to say enjoy national reputations.
THOSE who know the Lloyd Brothers will recognize their special fitness for the work, and to those who may not know them (if such there be) we can make the assurance that it will probably excel in interest, utility and beauty any similar work ever offered.
In Pharmaceutical Record.
You have undertaken a great and meritorious task; one that will require much labor and research.
E. M. HALE, Chicago, Ill.
YOU have had a large experience in handling the good, which has given you opportunities for collecting facts as to their production, collection and cultivation, which, combined with the rare botanical knowledge of your brother, surely gives you superior facilities for doing the work thoroughly.
(Of Browning & Sloan), Indianapolis, Ind.
YOU will make a valuable work. I predict for it great success. Your advantages are such as to make it necessary for all pharmacists.
(Of Allaire, Woodward & Co.), Peoria, Ill.
WE are very glad to know that you have entered upon the project of publishing the book, the title of which you send. Please enter our name as subscriber for it. Anything we can do to assist you will be gladly done.
FRED STEARNS & Co., Detroit, Mich.
WE would like to subscribe, and herewith send one dollar for that purpose. Wishing you success in your undertaking, we are,
(Successors to Lord, Stoutenburgh & Co.), Chicago, Ill.
NEED I assure you that a hearty welcome will await the first number of the new book.
ROBERT SATTLER, M. D, Cincinnati, O.
WE shall give your prospective work a good notice, believing that whatever you do will be well done.
W. F. COULTER, St. Louis, Mo.
YOUR prospectus has given me great pleasure. I am sure the publication will be received with eagerness and general approbation. Please place my name on your subscription list.
DR. CHARLES RICE, New York City.
YOUR aims and efforts meet a void in our literature, and still more in the domain of original research in our country. Speed the good work.
DR. FRED. HOFFMANN, New York City.
I HAVE long wanted such a work and am glad that you have undertaken it. I know your work will be well done. I hope it may receive the financial as well as the professional support of American pharmacists and physicians. Inclosed find subscription.
HENRY B. PARSONS, New York City.
JUDGING by the prospectus it will be a very interesting periodical, and its publication will involve "lots" of labor, something in which you appear to delight.
F. A. CASTLE, M. D., New York City.
YOU are in a position to ascertain many facts which other mortals can not reach by much labor; and handling and working these drugs in large quantities gives you so much opportunity for observation in various directions that I have no doubt the work will be valuable, because it will be trustworthy,
J. M. MAISCH, Philadelphia, Penn.
I HAVE read your announcement with pleasure. I am sure that this book will be in every respect a superior one. I shall recommend it and hope that pharmacists will subscribe liberally.
A. FENNEL, Cincinnati.
THIS work promises to be very valuable to all schools of medicine, or rather to "medicine," It will give a correct history of American drugs, how introduced, when introduced, and a fair estimate of their value in the cure of disease. When the parts are laid together they will form a very complete Materia Medica.
Drugs and Medicines of North America, 1884-1887, was written by John Uri Lloyd and Curtis G. Lloyd.