Pichi. Fabiana imbricata.

Botanical name: 

Part Employed—The leaves.

A fluorescent glucoside, crystalline; a crystalline neutral resin, pavien, fraxin and an essential oil.
Extractum Pichi, Extract of Pichi. Dose, from two to ten grains.
Extractum Pichi Fluidum. Fluid extract of Pichi. Dose, from ten to sixty minims.

Administration—This agent being a terebinthinate and markedly resinous in character, readily precipitates in water, the precipitate separating in masses or curds. The solid or powdered extract may be given in capsules. The fluid extract may be prescribed in glycerine without precipitation. It should not be combined with saline constituents. It will remain in temporary suspension in a heavy syrup, or mucilage.

Specific Symptomatology—The agent has specific properties in relieving irritation and inflammation of the bladder due to mechanical causes. In gravel, especially of the uric acid variety, it is prompt and satisfactory. In phosphatic or calcareous deposits, it is of great benefit.

This agent gives tone to the whole genito urinary tract. It is especially valuable in cases where old people are troubled with inactivity of the kidneys with a tendency to feebleness of the muscular structure of the bladder. It acts in those cases of gravel where the irritation is marked. It is thought to assist in the disintegration of the stone until it is reduced so that it may be passed through the urethra. The urine will assume the characteristic odor of the drug, especially if it be given in overdoses. It may be given with other common remedies of this character. Its best field is in those cases of chronic inflammation of the kidneys or bladder, where there is a persistent discharge of large quantities of blood, pus, mucous and calculi in the urine. It should be given in full doses, from twenty to forty-five minims of a strong fluid extract.

Therapy—It relieves general distress or discomfort in all the urinary organs, and in the prostate gland. In vesical tenesmus and in dysuria from any cause it is almost specific. In lithemia or the uric acid diathesis, it stimulates the liver to more perfect action, greatly increases the action of the kidneys, reduces the specific gravity of the urine, and permanently reduces the excess of uric acid. This influence renders it of value in rheumatism, either acute or chronic.

It has been used in gonorrhea and in acute and chronic cystitis of all forms with excellent results. It acts as a gastric tonic, like kava-kava, greatly increasing the appetite and promoting digestion. It has a direct action upon the function of the liver.

It stimulates the kidneys, too actively in those cases where there is structural degeneration, but it will quickly overcome simple recent cases of renal hyperemia. It is contra-indicated in Bright's disease, as in some protracted cases the albumen has been increased by the use of this remedy.

It is also useful where there are biliary calculi, as well as in the renal and vesicle forms. It allays urinary tenesmus, in those cases of cystitis, which are of mechanical or traumatic origin. In acute urethritis it has accomplished some good results.

Fifteen minims of the fluid extract every three hours has proved serviceable in the treatment of acute prostatitis, seminal vesiculitis, and in the subsidiary stage of orchitis, and epididymitis. In some cases the remedy is best given with an alkali. In those cases where the urine smells foully and is alkaline in reaction, it may be given in conjunction with borax and benzoic acid, with excellent results. Some forms of painful disease of the pelvic organs have been relieved by it. It is useful in dysmenorrhea, and acts in harmony with viburnum.

The American Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Pharmacognosy, 1919, was written by Finley Ellingwood, M.D.
It was scanned by Michael Moore for the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine.