Calumba. Jateorrhiza palmata.
Synonyms—Columbo, Columba.
- Calumbin, a white, bitter, crystalline principle. Berberine, the alkaloid, identical with the alkaloid of Berberis Vulgaris, Calumbic acid.
- Extractum Calumbae Fluidum, Fluid Extract of Calumba. Dose, from three to thirty minims.
- Tinctura Columbae, Tincture of Calumba. Dose, from twenty to one, or even two drams.
- Specific Medicine Calumba. Dose from five to thirty minims.
Physiological Action—This agent is a gastric tonic and one of the typical stomach bitters. It is believed to increase the flow of the saliva and of the gastric juice, and increases also the appetite and the power of digestion. It is an intestinal antiseptic to a limited extent and is anthelmintic.
It is similar in action to hydrastis canadensis, but does not extend its influence so positively to the nervous system.
Therapy—It is indicated when there is atonicity of the digestive apparatus, especially when there is any irritation whatever. In debilitating disease of the stomach or bowels it is an excellent remedy. It is restorative in fevers, improving the general nutrition by the improvement of the tone of the organs of digestion and assimilation. It is useful after protracted diarrheas and dysentery, after cholera infantum when a non-irritating tonic is needed, and in cholera morbus, being of benefit in promoting restoration in these cases. It will relieve the vomiting of this disease, and a few drops of the tincture will also relieve vomiting in seasickness, and has been beneficial in the vomiting of pregnancy.
It is useful in overcoming intestinal flatus, an infusion in inflammatory intestinal disease being most satisfactory.
In chronic malaria with marked intermittent fever it is valuable.
The American Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Pharmacognosy, 1919, was written by Finley Ellingwood, M.D.
It was scanned by Michael Moore for the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine.