Table of Contents.
Eclectic Treatment of Disease
Volume I.
Conditions of Disease.
-- Congestion.
-- Subnormal Temperature.
-- Cerebral Hyperemia.
-- Cerebral Anemia.
-- Headache.
-- Acute Nervous Irritation.
-- Reflex Irritation.
-- Secretion.
-- The Tongue.
-- Hyperacidity.
-- Deficient Acidity.
-- Insomnia.
-- Fever.
-- Febricula.
Infectious Diseases.
- I. Malarial Fevers.
-- Malarial Fever.
-- Intermittent Fever.
-- Pernicious Intermittent Fever.
-- Remittent Fever.
-- Malarial Cachexia.
- II. Other Fevers, Infectious in Character.
-- Paratyphoid Fever.
-- Typhoid Fever.
-- Typhus Fever.
-- Relapsing Fever.
-- Glandular Fever.
-- Acute Articular Rheumatism.
-- Cerebrospinal Fever.
-- Yellow Fever.
-- Dengue.
- III. Exanthematous Diseases.
-- Variola.
-- Varioloid.
-- Vaccinia.
-- Varicella.
-- Scarlet Fever.
-- Measles.
-- Rubella.
- IV. Other Infectious Diseases.
-- Mumps.
-- Whooping Cough.
-- Diphtheria.
-- Erysipelas.
-- Influenza.
-- Tuberculosis.
-- -- Acute Miliary Tuberculosis.
-- -- Acute Pneumonie Phthisis.
-- -- Pulmonary Tuberculosis.
-- -- Fibroid Phthisis.
-- -- Serous Tuberculosis.
-- -- -- Tuberculous Pleuritis.
-- -- -- Tuberculous Pericarditis.
-- -- -- Tuberculous Peritonitis.
-- -- Intestinal Tuberculosis.
-- -- Tuberculosis of the Lymphatic Glands.
-- -- Tubercular Meningitis.
-- The Plague.
-- Septicaemia, Pyaemia, and Septicopyaemia.
-- Syphilis.
-- Leprosy.
-- Hydrophobia.
-- Tetanus.
-- Anthrax.
-- Glanders.
-- Actinomycosis.
V. Diseases of the Respiratory Passages.
-- Acute Rhinitis.
-- Chronic Rhinitis.
-- Autumnal Catarrh.
-- Epistaxis.
-- Acute Catarrhal Laryngitis.
-- Chronic Catarrhal Laryngitis.
-- Spasmodic Laryngitis.
-- Acute Catarrhal Bronchitis.
-- Chronic Catarrhal Bronchitis.
-- Bronchial Asthma.
-- Bronchiectasis.
VI. Diseases of the Lungs.
-- Bronchopneumonia.
-- Croupous Pneumonia.
-- Active Pulmonary Congestion.
-- Passive Pulmonary Congestion.
-- Pulmonary Embolism.
-- Pulmonary Edema.
-- Pulmonary Emphysema.
-- Pulmonary Abscess.
-- Pulmonary Gangrene.
-- Pneumonoconiosis.
-- Hemoptysis.
VII. Diseases of the Pleura.
-- Acute Pleurisy.
-- Sub-Acute Pleurisy.
-- Purulent Pleurisy.
-- Adhesive Pleurisy.
-- Pneumothorax.
VIII. Diseases of the Heart and Pericardium.
-- Acute Myocarditis.
-- Chronic Myocarditis.
-- Pericarditis .
-- Adhesive Pericarditis.
-- Purulent and Hemorrhagic Pericarditis.
-- Hydropericardium .
-- Pneumopericardium.
-- Hemopericardium.
-- Acute Endocarditis.
-- Ulcerative Endocarditis.
-- Chronic Endocarditis.
-- Cardiac Hypertrophy.
-- Cardiac Dilatation.
-- Fatty Heart.
-- -- Fatty Overgrowth.
-- -- Fatty Infiltration.
-- -- Fatty Degeneration.
IX. Diseases of the Valves.
-- Aortic Insufficiency.
-- Aortic Stenosis.
-- Mitral Insufficiency.
-- Mitral Stenosis.
-- Tricuspid Regurgitation.
-- Tricuspid Stenosis.
-- Pulmonary Incompetency and Pulmonary Stenosis.
-- Treatment of Valvular Disease.
X. Neuroses of the Heart.
-- Arythmia.
-- Palpitation.
-- Angina Pectoris.
-- Tachycardia.
-- Bradycardia.
XI. Diseases of the Arteries.
-- Arteriosclerosis.
-- Aneurism.
Volume II.
Diseases of the Digestive System.
- XII. Diseases of the Mouth and Tongue.
-- Catarrhal Stomatitis.
-- Aphthous Stomatitis.
-- Membranous Stomatitis.
-- Parasitic Stomatitis.
-- Ulcerative Stomatitis.
-- Mercurial Stomatitis.
-- Gangrenous Stomatitis.
-- Acute Glossitis.
-- Chronic Glossitis.
- XIII. Diseases of the Salivary Glands.
-- Ptyalism.
-- Xerostomia.
-- Symptomatic Parotitis.
- XIV. Diseases of the Pharynx.
-- Acute Pharyngitis.
-- Chronic Pharyngitis.
-- Croupous Pharyngitis.
- XV. Diseases of the Tonsils.
-- Acute Tonsillitis.
-- Chronic Tonsillitis.
- XVI. Diseases of the Esophagus.
-- Acute Esophagitis.
-- Stenosis of the Esophagus.
-- Dilatation of the Esophagus.
-- Ulceration of the Esophagus.
- XVII. Diseases of the Stomach.
-- Acute Gastric Catarrh.
-- Acute Toxic Gastritis.
-- Phlegmonous Gastritis.
-- Chronic Gastritis.
-- Gastric Ulcer.
-- Dilatation of the Stomach.
-- Pyloric Stenosis.
-- Hemorrhage into the Stomach.
-- Cancer of the Stomach.
-- Gastric Neuroses.
-- -- Nervous Dyspepsia.
-- -- Gastralgia.
-- -- Hyperchlorhydria.
-- -- Cardiospasm.
-- -- Pylorospasm.
-- -- Hyperistalsis.
-- -- Nervous Vomiting.
-- -- Eructations.
-- -- Gastric Hyperesthesia.
-- -- Gastric Anesthesia.
- XVIII. Diseases of the Intestines.
-- Diarrhea.
-- -- Serous Diarrhea.
-- Dysentery.
-- -- Chronic Dysentery.
-- Catarrhal Enteritis.
-- Colitis.
-- -- Mucous Colitis.
-- Ileocolitis of Childhood.
-- Cholera Infantum.
-- Cholera Morbus.
-- Appendicitis.
-- Constipation.
-- Intestinal Obstruction.
-- Dilatation of the Colon.
-- Enteroptosis.
- XIX. Diseases of the Liver and Gall Bladder.
-- Hepatic Hyperemia.
-- -- Active.
-- -- Passive.
-- Hepatitis.
-- -- Acute Suppurative Hepatitis.
-- Cirrhosis of the Liver.
-- Perihepatitis.
-- -- Perihepatitis, Chronic.
-- Jaundice.
-- -- Jaundice, Catarrhal.
-- Icterus Neonatorum.
-- Acute Yellow Atrophy of the Liver.
-- Amyloid Degeneration of the Liver.
-- Fatty Liver.
-- Carcinoma of the Liver.
-- Cholelithiasis.
-- Cholecystitis.
- XX. Diseases of the Pancreas.
-- Pancreatitis.
-- Pancreatitis, Chronic.
- XXI. Diseases of the Peritoneum.
-- Acute Peritonitis.
-- Chronic Peritonitis.
-- Ascites.
Diseases of the Urinary System.
- XXII. Diseases of the Kidneys.
-- Renal Hyperemia.
-- -- Active Hyperemia.
-- -- Passive Hyperemia.
-- Acute Nephritis.
-- Chronic Nephritis.
-- Chronic Parenchymatous Nephritis.
-- Chronic Interstitial Nephritis.
-- Pyelitis and Pyelonephritis.
-- Amyloid Kidney.
-- Hydronephrosis.
-- Nephrolithiasis.
-- Perinephritic Abscess.
-- Renal Cyst.
-- Movable Kidney.
-- Anomalies of Secretion.
-- -- Anuria.
-- -- Albuminuria.
-- -- Hematuria.
-- -- Hemoglobinuria.
-- -- Pyuria.
-- -- Glycosuria.
-- -- Chyluria.
-- -- Oxaluria.
-- -- Phosphaturia.
- XXIII. Diseases of the Bladder.
-- Acute Cystitis.
-- Chronic Cystitis.
-- Vesical Hemorrhage.
-- Irritability of the Bladder.
-- Enuresis.
-- Retention of Urine.
XXIV. Constitutional Diseases.
-- Lithemia.
-- Diabetes Mellitus.
-- Diabetes Insipidus.
-- Chronic Rheumatism.
-- Muscular Rheumatism.
-- Arthritis Deformans.
-- Gout.
-- Uremia.
-- Rickets.
-- Scorbutus.
-- Purpura.
-- Hemophilia.
XXV. Diseases of the Blood, Lymphatic System and Ductless Glands.
-- Anemia.
-- -- Secondary Anemia.
-- -- Progressive Pernicious Anemia.
-- -- Chlorosis.
-- Leukemia.
-- -- Pseudoleukemia.
-- Myxedema.
-- -- Cretinism.
-- Addison's Disease.
-- Goitre.
-- Exophthalmic Goitre.
XXVI. Diseases of the Spleen.
-- Splenic Hyperemia.
-- Splenitis.
-- Movable Spleen.
XXVII. Diseases of the Muscles.
-- Acute Myositis.
-- Progressive Spinal Muscular Atrophy.
-- Progressive Neural Muscular Atrophy.
-- Muscular Dystrophies.
-- Myotonia.
XXVIII. Special Diseases.
-- Heat Stroke.
-- Obesity.
XXIX. Intoxications.
-- Alcoholism.
-- Opium Habit.
-- Plumbism.
-- Chronic Mercurial Poisoning.
-- Chronic Arsenical Poisoning.
-- Food Poisoning.
XXX. Parasites.
-- Distomiasis.
-- Taeniae.
-- Uncinariasis.
-- Trichiniasis.
-- Nematodes.
-- -- Ascariasis.
-- -- Pediculosis.
-- -- Filariasis.
- XXXI. Diseases of the Peripheral Nerves.
-- Neuralgias.
-- Sciatica.
-- Neuritis.
-- -- Multiple Neuritis.
-- Migraine.
- XXXII. Diseases of the Spinal Cord and its Membranes.
-- Meningitis.
-- -- Pachymeningitis.
-- -- Pachymeningitis Externa.
-- -- Pachymeningitis Interna.
-- -- Leptomeningitis.
-- -- -- Acute.
-- -- -- Chronic.
-- Hemorrhage into the Cord Tissue.
-- Hemorrhage into the Spinal Membranes.
-- Myelitis.
-- Poliomyelitis Anterior.
-- Syringomyelias.
-- Lateral Sclerosis.
-- Amytrophic Lateral Sclerosis.
-- Locomotor Ataxia.
-- Hereditary Ataxia.
-- Marie's Cerebellar Hereditary Ataxia.
-- Acute Ascending Paralysis.
-- Bulbar Paralysis.
- XXXIII. Diseases of the Brain and its Membranes.
-- Cerebral Meningitis.
-- -- Pachymeningitis.
-- -- Pachymeningitis Interna.
-- -- Leptomeningitis.
-- Encephalitis.
-- Hemorrhage into the Brain.
-- Cerebral Embolism.
-- Cerebral Thrombosis.
-- Thrombosis of the Venous Sinuses.
-- Disseminated Sclerosis.
-- Infantile Cerebral Paralysis.
- XXXIV. Functional Diseases of the Nervous System.
-- Aphasia.
-- Infantile Eclampsia.
-- Puerperal Eclampsia.
-- Epilepsy.
-- Chorea Minor.
-- Hereditary Chorea.
-- Paralysis Agitans.
-- Neurasthenia.
-- Tetany.