
Botanical name: 

The bark of the root of Euonymus atropurpureus, Jacquin (Nat. Ord. Celastraceae.). A small shrub or bush of the United States. Dose, 5 to 60 grains.
Common Names: Wahoo, Indian Arrow-wood, Burning Bush, Spindle Tree.

Principal Constituents.—A bitter glucoside euonymin, closely resembling digitalin; asparagin, and euonic acid. (Euonymin should not be confounded with the resinoid of the same name employed by the early Eclectics.)
Preparation.—Specific Medicine Euonymus. Dose, 5 to 60 drops.

Specific Indications.—Yellow-coated tongue; anorexia; indigestion and constipation, due to hepatic torpor; prostration with irritation of the nerve centers; periodic diseases, to supplement the action of quinine.

Action and Therapy.—Wahoo sharpens the appetite, improves digestion, stimulates the hepatic function, and increases nutrition. It has decided laxative properties and is to some extent antiperiodic. Locke declared it one of the few good stomach tonics. Its antimalarial influence is best displayed after the chill has been broken by quinine. It may then be given as a tonic, and it materially assists in preventing a recurrence of the paroxysms. However, it is not a major remedy in intermittents, and general tonic effects are chiefly to be expected. It acts much better in the gastric debility following intermittent fevers than during the active attacks. Euonymus is a good stomachic bitter in atonic dyspepsia with malarial cachexia, or when due to faulty and torpid action of the liver. Many value it in so-called chronic ague, and in the constipation and gastric debility associated with or following it. Euonymus is a neglected bitter.

The Eclectic Materia Medica, Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 1922, was written by Harvey Wickes Felter, M.D.